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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/214

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��Poptdar Science Monthly

��Device to Hold Covers on Sleeping Child in Crib

SEW a one-eighth-inch wire to outside cover of bed — a spread or quilt or sheet. Sew a piece on each long side and on the short side at the foot of the

���The most restless baby cannot pull this coverlet off because it is securely fastened on both sides

crib. Tie the wire with tape to the rod on the bedstead that parallels the wire. Small rings can be put on the wire about twelve inches apart if de- sired. To open covers, untie the tape.

The other covers are held in position simply by pinning them all to the top one in two places.

��s[)eefl it works best. It will do the work of about twenty men.

The front end is taken up by the sweeper mechanism, located in front of a pair of wheels, which, in turn are, practically speaking, in front of the motor-cycle proper. Both wheels and sweeper mechanism are fastened to the motor-cycle by means of an angle-iron frame, the operation of the wheels being controlled by the handlebars. The brush, which is about sixty inches in length, is immediately in front of the pair of wheels and is operated by a lever at the side of the driver, who, by pushing one of the levers forward raises or lowers the brush at will. The cylindrical sheet- iron drum, with an apron attached, is suspended just in front of the brush. Over this apron the dirt is swept into the drum, the brush being chain-pro- pelled by the engine of the motor- cycle.

By pressing forward another lever the driver is able at a moment's notice and without dismounting to turn the drum, which has a capacity of about four bushels, so that its contents will fall in a pile upon the street.

Provision has been made for this sweeper to carry along its own dirt- wagon. This is done by simply

��The Motor- Cycle Street- Sweeper

AN innovation in street- u sweepers has just ap- peared in Los Angeles, Cal- ifornia. It is the combined invention of T. C. Girton, F. C. Hoffer and J. F. Smedley of that city and is a combination of an ordi- nary twin-cylinder motor- cycle and a sweeping aji- paratus. The engine in the motor-cycle furnishes the moli\-e power by which the entire outfit is driven.

It is a one-man machine, while the gasoline, oil and brush, which are its only other continual expenses, are hardly large enough to be worth mentioning. It may be operated from two to twenty miles an hour, while at the eight-mile

���Tl)is machine sweeps ;i slrtxt \\itli«>iil

dust as a hand sweeper


��fastening that part of the outfit to the rear of the motor-cycle. If at an>- time the sweeper mechanism should gi\e any trouble, the simple pushing forward of a lever at the tlriver's side lifts a metal tray which covers the brush and receiving side of the drum, placing it immediately oi)en for examination.

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