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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/236

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Exhibitino- Our Army's Efficiency at the

���A daring girl aviator. Miss Katherine Stin- son, performed several tricks in a night aero- plane flight at Sheepshead Bay, New York. She dropped a number of bombs which ex- ploded a thou- sand feet over Coney Island to give the pleas- ure seekers all the thrills of a real bombard- ment. Two bomb explosions show in the lower left-hand comer of the illustration

��The first armor- ed motor bat- tery presented to the New York National Guard received its ini- tial tryout at the Sheepshead Bay Tourna- ment recently. Before a great assemblage of interested spec- tators the bat- tery crew gave an exhibition, firing the guns and going through maneu- vers which would be ex- pected of them in actual war

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