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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/254

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��Popular Science Monthly

��Lowering a Bridge Without Blocking the Street Traffic

THE task of lowering a bridge span- ning the canal in Cincinnati with- out seriously blocking the enormous amount of traffic over the span, has presented an in- teresting task for the engin- eers in charge. A large number of car lines use the bridge, and there is much vehicle and foot traffic. To over- come this diffi- culty the bridge has been cut in two parts and while one half is being lowered and put in condition for use, the other portion remains with cars passing over it. Thus the traffic is only partially inconvenienced. This picture shows the elaborate mechanical equipment used in the work.

���The bridge was cui in two parts and while one half was being repaired the other half was being used by cars

��intended for light work have been introduced from time to time, but only recently has a man-sized portable grinder been a reality. A huge motor mounted on a three-wheeled truck supplies the driving energy to the abrasive wheel

through flexible tubing. In op- eration, when the speed has been adjusted to suit the needs of the work- man, he grasps the handles of the wheel on either side and bringsitagainst the object to be ground at any angle or any pressure desired. Grinders of this type are intended for use in foundries or in factories where there is a great deal of heavy abrasive work to be done.

��A Giant Grinder Which Goes to Its Work

IF you have an axe to grind, it is no longer necessary to bring the axe to the grinding wheel, for a portable grind- ing wheel of full-sized proportions has been brought into the grinding field. Numerous small grinding equipments

���The grinder is a portable, man-sized one for Ijeavy abrasive work in shops and factories

��How to Get Thin and Fool the Family While Doing It

EFFORTS at reduction at home are usually futile, because of the want of sympathy ofTercd by the family, the difficulty in securing proper indi\idual diet, the templalion pro\ided by the daily sight of all kinds of food, and the urging of members of the family to be less strict than the physician directs.

Reduction treatment is easiest and vastly more successful in an institution or at a health resort, where definite diet can be prescribed and furnished, and where, in an atmosphere of routine and obedience, there is less tem|ilation to transgress. There is cN'ery encouragement to persevere through the comnumity of interest felt by every one and the force of numerous good examples of obedience daily before one's eyes.

L'nless a settled determination and a conscientious effort exist in the mind, there is no use of attemiiting reduction of corpulence. Indultjence in alcoholic beverages, course dinners, extra suppers after theater, etc., defeat all measures that may be taken. These difficulties are oftenest encountered in iieople be- tween the ages of thirty and forty.

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