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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/260

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��Popular Science Mnnthly

��of a Chinese bedroom through great goggle-shaped ghisses — two inches across and set in huge uncouth copper frames.

Most important in diagnosing a case, according to Chinese ideas, is the feeling of the different pulses of the human system. The pulse at each wrist is felt, and each is divided into three, which according to the light or hea\'\- character of the pressure, indicates a different organ of the body. By thus feeling the pulses, the states of a dozen real or imaginary organs are determined. Hav- ing then learned by the pressure of these three at each pulse, the seat of the disease, a few questions may be asked, but these are considered scarcely neces- sary. A prescription, sometimes cailinr^ for the most horrible and nauseating compounds, is prepared in large doses; for the native believes that the larger the dose, the more likely is it to prove efficacious. In prescribing for natives, the foreign doctors have to give the strictest in- junctions that the paper box in which the pills are contained is not to be swallowed.

Among Chinese medi- cines, besides some that are to be found in our Western Materia Medica, are snake skins, fossils, rhinoceros or hartshorn shavings, silk-worms, asbestos, moths, oyster shells, and other things. Almost anything dis- gusting is considered a good medicine. Ajiothe- caries' shops abound where i)rescripUons are made up.

The manner in which the Chinese treat their physicians is character- istic. Should a speed\- cure not result from ilic doctor's treatment, tin- patient calls in another. If he does not im|M-o\e, he calls in a third. Thus tile nudical skill of liie whole neighborhood may be drawn ui«)n.

���Tlic fan is iiiii by g.T.s or denatured alcohol. It costs about one half cent an hour to operate it

��Keeping Cool with a Fan Driven by a Hot -Air Engine

SIMMER and electric fans go well together, but where electricity is not to be had people have had to forego such pleasures. They will not be obliged to go without their summer breezes any more, however, for the little fan illustrated can be used any place where a connection can be made to gas or where alcohol can be purchased.

The fan is operated by a small hot-air engine in which all the rotating parts are carefully adjusted and balanced so that it runs smoothly and evenly, driving the blades at a speed sufficient to send forth a breeze that will lower the temperature on the hottest day.

The operation of the fan is interesting. The air in the lower end of the cylinder is heated by the lamp and expanding drives the piston upward, revohing the fan and creating a momentum. This cycle of operations continues, the fan gaining in speed with each revolution, and con- tinuing to run as long as the fuel holds out. When gas is not to be had, denatured alcohol will serve as the fuel. In many cases the cost of operation is not more than one half cent an lunir, and the fuel tank will hold sufficient fuel for twenty-four hours' running.

The Latest in Golf


Al'HlLADELPHIAN has invented a 'Vombination" golf club. A ratchet in the heel of the club makes the vari- ous angles possible. Gi\e the ratchet a twist and \-ou convert the club from a dri\cr into a mid- iron, mashie, putter or niblick. The change is made in remarkabh- quick time, and it can be changed from a right - to a left-handed club wilhdut ellort.

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