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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/275

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New Countrywide Movement

���of its existence twelve hundred people paid to see the exhibit. From this auspicious be- ginning the movement assumed national proportions, spreading to all parts of the United States

��rations. In addition to this the govern ment maintained a "bird sta- tion," and the man in charge, Harr>' Dil'la- way, got the school chil- dren interest- ed in a bird- housebuilding contest, with the result that a birdhousc exhibit — thr first of its kind ever held, at- tracted favor- able attention from bird lo\- ers all over the country.

\^■hen the exhibit was opened se\en hundred and eight\-two fu- ture homes for birds greeted the visitors. The houses ranged all the way from the

���The contest created a a vital and permanent

��love for birds and stimulated interest in the home workshop


��humblest of cottages to the finest of man- sions, and every one was in the prize-winning class. Many of the houses were ingeni- ously con- structed, and not a few com- bined ideas of beauty and ar- rangement so no\"el as to warrant spe- cial mention.

To cover the incidental expenses of the exhibit an admission charge of ten cents for adults and five cents for chil- d r e n was made. During the one day of its existence there were twcKe hun- dred paitl ad- missions.

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