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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/36

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Yachting in the Air

Why Ballooning- Will Never Die By Carl Dienstbach

��THIS seems to be th to realize how term "aeronaut' century-old meaning. Until recently only the balloonist might still claim to be a true aeronaut, fearless of the e 1 e m e n t s , starting any- where, rising to extreme alti- tudes and traveling long and far, while the average aviator was confined to his "flying grounds." B day

��e proper moment completely the has changed its

���Gas bags when fully inflated

��standing this transformation, howevcr> the old-fashioned gas-bag maintains its popularity. In a past age people re- ferred to it as a thing which "didn't know where it was going, but was on its way." Today, when highways are swarming with cheapened motor- cycles and auto- mobiles, the privilege of choosing one's destination has largely k)st the fascination it used to ha\ c. \'et it remains for the imple, old-time, wind-dri\eii Uoon to give us the lure of sailing into limitless space and of enjoy-

���Above, the first stage of in- flation when the sand bags have to be closely watched to prevent tearing of the envelope. At right, the bags resemble huge puff- balls. At this stage all that is necessary to tip thc.-n over is a strong wind

��there is not one among the army of war aviators whose exploits are not as daring as those of any b.illoonisl. Notwitli-

��ing a \ie\v ol i\ cr-changing scenery far grander ih.m ihat alTorded by the highest mountain ])eak. indeed, the

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