exlreme simplicity and cheapness of the lialloon will keep it popular for many days to come.
How Balloons Are Made It is a cpmparatively simple matter to make a balloon. All one needs is a large quantity of thin cottoncloth, some linseed oil, a light, wide-mesh "fish-net- ting," a small amount of medium -gage rope and a big willow basket. The valve on top of the gas-
��Popiilar Science Monildy
��bag is essentially only a small, close- fitting circular wooden door which any experienced cabinet-maker could con- struct. Other accessories are of equal simplicity.
If it were not for its prohibitive size and the cost of the material a balloon could easily be made by a handy amateur. Where there is natural gas
light enough for ntlating, as in Kansas, a bal- loon ascension can be carried out in a short time. The
��WlNG£0 mofii OF VALVe
���I'AtVE rRAH!
��FIG 2
��FIG 3
��The "wings" are rubber-lined The circular ring with holes Two hanging "wings" form and gas-tight arranged for pins the circular wooden door
��The seam is buckled to the margin
by a series of short straps which
hold it securely in position
����The disconnected parts of the top- valve, showing arrangement
���FIG 7
��The top-valve equipment closed in its correct position
��How the host is fastened to the gas main
�� �