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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/422

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��Popular Srirncf Maiillil//

���The Photographer in His Aeroplane Can Point the Pistol - Camera with Great Accuracy at the Object To Be Photo- graphed. The Two Focusing Frames Take the Place of Sights on a Revolver. The Trigger Operates the Shutter

��"Shooting" a Photograph with a Pistol- Camera

OF the number of aerial cameras which have been designed to meet the re(iiiirenients of modern recon- naissance work in the present war per- haps the most novel and interesting ap- pai'atus is a pistol-camera used by Gciman airmen which is now in the pos- session of the French. Jean Navarre, a daring young French flier who brought down his fourteenth German aeroplane early in April, found the camera in an A\iatik which he forced to descend within the French lines in the Soissons ncigiil)()rho(xl.

The camera was intact and in wi irking order. In fact, there was reason to be- lieve that it liafl been used the same day it fell iiilii ilir hands of the French, altiiougl) n()|)iates were exposed. Se\eral wert' in position, li()we\er, read\- to be ex- posed. Tile iiistol-camera has the shajie of an enorminis jiistol, and looks unwieUh' bcc-ause of its large size and grotes(|ue shape. It has a |)istol grip and trigger similar to that on .dl makes of revolvers.

��T h c shutter of t h e camera is opera- ted by

pulling the trigger. TIk' ])hotogra]iher |)()inls the ajiparatus with dead accuracy at the object to be photographed and with a slight movement of his finger takes the ]>icture. The two focusing frames, which are nothing more than common gun-sights ill disguise, enable the l)liologra|)her to le\cl liis camera with .ibsolule i-ertaint>'.

rile length of the camera box is a little uiulir two feet, and its weight about ihirtei'ii pounds. Tlu' I'rench ha\e tested the photograi)hic capabilities of the apparatus by experimenting with it ill their own aerojilanes. F.xcellent results were i)roduced. In son)e cases clear and distinct i)hotogra]ihs of mili- tary value were t.iken at .dtitudes of u|)wards nf '-Ix thousand feet. This cinier.i is liu' onh' one of its kind to fall III lilt Ji.inds of the French.

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