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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/424

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��Popular Science Monthly

���Trilby, of Lincoln Park, Chicago, Gets Her Nails Trim- med Only Once in Six Months, But That Is Enough, Ac- cording to Her Manicurist, and Too Often for Trilby

��When Manicuring Nails Is a Dangerous Job

MANICrRLNG a lion's toi'-nails is a man's job, especially when the patron is a man-eating lioness with a recent killing to her discredit. The illus- tration shows Cy De Vry, head animal man at Lincoln Park, Chicago, cutting the toe-nails of Trilby. A week previous to this Trilby was known as a docile creature particularh- attached to her keeper, Flmerson Dietrich. In one das- her reputation changed from a lioness with a kitten disposition to the most ferocious creature in captivity.

The transformation took place when Trilby was alone in a bo.x-car with Dietrich. With no apparent warning the l)east became ugly and attacked the man, tearing at him with such fury that he was unable to beat her olY Before he could summon help the lioness had killed him and had already started in to eat up the car. When Trilby's toe-nails were manicured she raged and fought the men, but a pike pole and a rope soon reduced her to a sub- missive state.

��c liine, churning:, mowinglawn, running an emery wheel, saw- ing, operating a cream separa- tor and turning a fanning mill. It can be apjilied to almost any small task where a gas- oline engine may be used. Primarily, howe\er, the trac- tor is designed for small crop culti\ation, in which work it is said to excel in e\ery l)articular the former and time-sanctioned method of cultivation by horsepower.

The operator of the machine walks behind and steers it as one guides a lawn-mower.

There is no necessity,- for expenditure of energy in handling the tractor as it pulls itself along at the rate of frf)m one to three miles an hour. The machine is capable of two thousand two hun- dred revolutions a minute when it is attached to another machine by means of the comiecting belting and pulley attachment. It weighs four lumdrcti and tiftN' pounds and is made especially heavy to insure traction.

The Old and New Methods of Harrowing in the Cultivation of Garden and Truck Crops

��A Garden Tractor Which Does Every- thing But Mind the Baby

A(i.\RDIlN tractor designed to take the place of horse and man-power in the culti\'ation of garden and true crops has been placed on the market by a Minnea[)olis company. In addition to its usefulness as a tractor, the maciiine also serves as a portable engine.

The machine can perform twelve distinct and wi<lcly varying operations; among them, running a washing nia-

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