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��Popular IScicncc Monthly

��inattrials and the cement has been li limped in by hand, the skip is hoisted by compressed air and made to dump its contents into the mixer. Inclined rails guide it from its permanent ])iace to its transient position above the mixer. Compressed air is used to perlurm the mixing, the conveying and the placing. The conveying is a short affair. A suitable pipe takes the concrete from the bottom of the mixer beneath the car and up to an elevated position at one end of the car. Here the pij^e divides into a Y, associated with whiih is a sliding plate to control the mo\ement of material into either arm. One arm of the Y is used when placing concrete in the side walls and foundation; the other, when placing it in the arch.

��Motor-Trucks to the Rescue in a Freight Embargo

THE great value of motor-trucks for overland haulage was brought out recently when a convoy of five vehicles and three trailers hauled a total load of forty-four tons of steel from the customs warehouse in New York city to a manu- facturing plant in Hartford, Conn., a distance of one hundred and forty-four miles. The steel had arrived from Sweden but could not be shipped to Hartford by rail because of the (lifficulty in obtaining freight cars. The plant was almost out of material and was facing a complete shut-down until a motor haulage contractor in New Ycjrk city agreed to de- liver the goods overland. His con\oy, consistin<. five 5>^-ton motor-trucks * and three 5K- ton four- whecled trail- ers, left New York at 5 I'.M. one night and a r r i \- e d at Hartford at II P. M. on the following night. During the first night the drivers

��took four hours of sleep apiece, stopping and lying down on the seats of their cabs, for the total load was very valuable and insured for Si 00,000 by both the con- signee and the haulage contractor. If it had not been for the motor-trucks, there is no telling how much the plant would ha\e been incon\x'nienced.

An Electric Motor- Chair

THFL electric motor-chair shown in the illustration has such a wide variety of uses that it seems destined to become \er>- po])ular. It may be used by in\alids and by convalescents in hospitals; as a pleasure vehicle on board walks; for trips in the parks; for gi\ing the children little outings; and even for shopping and for a calling car. Its operation is so easy and so nearly fool- proof that there is very little danger ' of accidents.

The chair de\elops a speed as high as ten miles an hour, but can be adjusted for lower speeds. An electrical appliance prevents higher speeds when going down hill. The fender serves to prevent serious accidents when running into obstacles; for as soon as it touches an object the circuit is broken, the power shut off, and the brakes automatically applied. The chair is guitled and con- trolled in the same manner as the elec- tric automobile.

It may be elaborated and provided with a wind-shield, top, and side curtains. When fully equipped it weighs about four hundred pounds. The batteries may be charged at any garage or other place where the ordinarystor- agc battery is charged. In fact, except for its style ami its fender mech an ism, it is\ery simi- lar to the or- dinary runa- bout.

��The Motor- Chair Dt-vclops n Speed of" Ten Miles an Hour

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