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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/434

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Battle Ball— A New Sport

���The Principle of the Game Is Almost Identical with That of Lawn Tennis, the Distinguishing Point of Difference Being the "Push" Motion with Which the Ball Is Struck. This New Game Is Just as Much Fun When One Person Plays It, Using Both Rackets, as with a Partner


��a sort of first game of tennis

��ATTLE BALL is the name given to cousin to the popular It is a new outdoor game devised by a resident of Virginia. It is played with a racket of novel con- struction and cloth-covered rubber balls used in tennis. The racket is circular in form with a wide band across which the woven gut of the racket is stretched. The handle is positioned in alinement with the center of the band, to which it is attached by three wires. The rackets are less expensive than those used in tennis. The game may be played by two or four players, or it may be played indi- vidually, offering an excellent means for exercise. If the player is adept the ball is thrown in the air from one racket and then caught by another racket as it falls, and bounced back and forth indefinitely. The game recjuires a degree of skill sutfi- cient to make it fascinating.

��mobiles thought it would be a novel ad- vertising trick to run his car on the siphon. It was a comparatively easy job to get the car on the pipe and when once there it was impossible for it to fall off. The driver could have fallen, asleep with safety. Of course the photographs were disappointing.

But when a motor-cyclist came along and contemplated doing the trick people from surrounding cities gathered to see" the event. I'nlike the automobile, the motor-cycle Iiad to pick its own way and that had to be done with the ait! of handlebars in the hands of the driver.' Harry Hartz was the driver. He mount- ed the pipe without fear and on his first trip kept his eyes on the track ahead. On the second trip, however, he looked behind him and actualh" closed his e\"es.

��An Example of Motor- Cycle Dare-Deviltry


��stantly keeping their English cous- ins amazed by the i)erilous feats they accomplish with their American-made motor-cycles. When the Bofjuel Siphon of the Los Angeles .^(lucduct w.is fin- ished recently a mainifa<'(nrcr ol auto-

���Riding a Motor-Cycle on the Big Los Angeles Siphon. After Several Practice Trips the Rider Actually Performed the Dangerous Trick with His Eyes Closed


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