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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/445

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Plenty of Room for All Europe

��THE I'liiii'd Slates can swallow .ill of Kuropc — area, population ancl all — as will he seen in the accom- panying map, which shows in a vixiil i manner how wiile is the expanse of the coimtr\- we live in.

The entire comhineil (■i)nii:)nte<l area of the foreign countries noted on the map and the area of the western United States ' are very nearly the same. The dis- crepancy is a bare fifteen thousand

��more than fifty-one millions of people accommodated within its boundaries.

IMorc striking, however, is corpulent Idaho witii its three hundred and twenty-h\e thousand inhabitants li\ing in an area sufficient to (quarter sixteen millions of Europeans li\ing in four large countries. Then there are Montana and North Dakota with their nine hundred thousand peoplcenjoyingenough room for Spain and Portugal's twenty-five millions.

���A Map Showing How Snugly the ^Different European Countries Would Fit into the Western United States, Mighcy Russia Occupying As Much Space As All the Other Countries Combined

��scjuare miles on Europe's side. At the same time, however, Russia in Europe would spread over the whole western part of our country, crowding it to the doors with its one hundred and eleven millions of people, being the largest of all the European countries.

The State of California has ample (juarters for seven European countries, but its i5o[)ulation is only a little o\er two millions, whereas little Roumania alone harbors just about seven million inhaljitants.

Aiistro-Hungary fits rather tightly •icross the shoulders in Texas, which has a scatteretl population of nearh' four millions, whereas Austro-Hungary has

��New American Porcelain Utensils a Result of the War

OXE of the results of the war was the stoppage of the importation of la- boratory porcelain, and this has resulted in the manufacture of laboratory porce- lain in this country, which has stof)d the hydrochloric acid tests equalK- well with that manufactured by the royal Berlin pottery in Germany, which until now has been regarded as the standard.

The cooking porcelain ware is being produced in ivory, white, brown bctty, and olive green, plain and decorated, and for private ward w-ork the pretty ilecorations and delicacy of the ware make the ptjrcelain highly attractive.


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