Popular Science Monthly
��to Manhattan, where they would l)e distribuled to the consignees by means of small subways constructed uiidiT the sidewalk. They wore to be unloaded directly upon the basement platforms of the consignees and reloaded. The recent development of the motor-truck, which makes possible the transportation of larger loads than in the case of horse- drawn trucks, has suggested anotiier solution of the problem. It is proposi-d that a standardized chassis be designed to carry a standardized van-body, which can be carried on one of these subway cars from the classification yards on the Meadows. This would be placed on a chassis at the terminus in Manhattan and run to the destination of its con- tents, li can be returned filled with other goods just as railroad cars are shifted from one region to another. A crane would be used to transfer the great box from the motor chassis to the car and back again.
The ideal solution would be a series of terminals similar to the Rush Ter- minal circling thi' harbor in Brooklyn, Staten Island and New Jersey and connecting with a belt-line railroad by car-floats and tracks. The belt-line railroad would run around the rear of Jersey City and Hoboken and be operated in the interest of all the intersecting railroads. At the inter- sections would be transfer and classi- fication depots. This would make it unnecessary for the railroads to main- tain independent stations in every borough and reduce the cost of delivery. In addition, this belt-line road might maintain a truck delivery system just as the railroads do in London and the express companies do here. Already a proposition to cstal)- lish a terminal at Bayonne similar to the Bush Terminal is being discussed. It might become the transfer point and terminus of such a bclt-line railroad.
How Do You Sit?
A ("HAIR is like a shoe, doctors say nowadays. It is comfortable only when it fits the body. And they also say that the ordinary chair does not fit the body, no matter how much up- holstering or padding it may have.
��So they have gone to work and built a chair that fits the body to a "T".
See that hump in the back in the ac- companying illustration The purpose of this is to fit into the bend of the back in such a way as to alTord support to the back and thus allow the muscles to relax and rest.
In the case of the ordinary chair the hump is not in the chair, but in the person sitting down. His shoulders sloop forward, his body slumps down, the abdomen is thrown forward and the abdominal organs get out of place. The new chair corrects this defect.
���The hump in the chair fits the bend in the back in such a way as to afford perfect support
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