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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/604

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��Popular Science Monthly

���In making a long cast the steel fishing rod was thrown against high- tension wires and the fisherman was killed almost on the instant

A Warning to Fishermen

W11ILI-: lisliinK ill a small Pennsylva- nia stream the l^ev. W. P. Perry was killed al- most instantly when the steel rod hi' was holdint; became entangled in high-tension transmis- sion wires over his head. He was wading in the stream at the lime and whipping tliewalerin till-

��usual way. With no thought of the live wires he made a cast with the line and there was a blinding flash. The current of twenty thousand volts leaped down the rod, coursed through his body, and killed him before he could make an outcry.

This is said to be the first instance on record of the death of a man under such circumstances. During severe winter storms it is not infrequent to hear of electrocutions, due to fallen live wires hidden in debris.

Expending Four Tons of Energy in Playing the 'Cello

ASIAIPLE air pla>ed on the \-iolon- cello calls for a total expenditure of energy equal to two and three quarter pounds per note or more than four tons of energy for the single selection. This statement is vouched for by Professor Poffenberger, of Columbia Universit>-, who made some experiments in his laboratory with the aid of the famous Dutch 'cellist Michael Penha — experi- ments made to determine the amount of sheer physical strength recjuired to play the violoncello in the style of a great artist . A special apparatus is necessary to conduct the tests. Against the surface of a revolving carbon cylinder is sus- pended a chalked point which is actuated by a slender wire attached to the musi- cian's finger. At each pressure the tension vibrates along the communicating con- nection and records the energy expended.

���When Michael Pcnha played n simple Bach aria this instru- ment registered an expenditure of more tlian four tons of cnergj'

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