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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/610

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��I Buck Bros, firmer chisel J in. handled

and sharpened. I Hammond adz-eye claw hammer, 9 oz. I Disston hardened blade try-square

6 ins. I beech marking gage. I Buck Bros, outside bevel gouge i in.

handled and sharpened. I Buck Bros, inside bevel gouge 5 in.

han<lled and sharpened. 1 box-wood rule, No. 2, 4 fold. , I Disston sliding T-bevel No. 3, 6 ins. I pair Starrett spring dividers 8 ins. I bit file.

I slim taper saw file 6 ins. I rat-tailed wood file 8 ins. handled. 1 key- hole saw.

1 Barbers rachct brace No. 33, 8 ins.

sweep. J niitre-box.

2 Jorgenson hand-screws 10 ins. I monkey-wrench 6 ins.

I screw-driver 8 ins.

I screw-driver 4 ins.

I pair pipe-pliers.

I pair side-cutting pliers.

I hack-saw frame.

6 hack-saw blades.

I Stilson wrench 10 ins.

I glass cutter.

I nail-pull (nijipers).

I Carborundum oil-stone, medium and

coarse combined, in iron box. I set Russel Jennings auger-bits 4, 16 in.

5/16 in., 6/16 in., 7/16 in., 8/16 in. I nail-set 1/16 in. I set twist-bits 3/32 in., 4/32 in., 5/32 in.,

6/32 in., 7/32 in. I Clarke's expansive bit ' in. to li ins. I Taintor saw-set.

The cost of the ec|iiipmciU lisictl, without the bench, will be about $24.

SuppleiTientar>' list of tools useful but not iii(iisi)eiisal)lc:

I l.angdon iron mitre-box with back-saw.

I Barker iron vise.

I pair Compton's metal snips No. 12, 2 ins.

I foot-power grind-stone or No. 10 Car- borundum tool-grinder.

I saw-filing vise.

The cost of this supplementary e(|iiip- ment is about $20.

Care of Tools

One of the most common faults of the bcRinner is to work with tools after lliev arc (lull. All ed^cd tools should lie sh.iriH'Ucd often and carefulK', in order to keep iheni in jK-rfett condition.

��Popular Science Monthly

Chisels and Plane-Irons

��These tools come ground to 20 or 23 degrees as indicated in I-"ig. 2. They should be whetted on the medium side of the oil-stone to an angle of 25 degrees. I'se plenty of kerosene oil to prevent burning the tool or glazing the cutting surface of the stone. Rub over the entire surface so the stone will wear evenly. The whetting will raise a thin wire edgj on the tool which can be partially removed by turning the chisel or plane-iron over on the flat side and rubbing it gently back and forth on the stone. It is very essential, however, that the tool be kept perfectly flat during this operation, as any bevel on the flat side impairs its efficiency. If any rough- ness rt'niains on the cutting edge it may be renio\ed In- stropping on a piece of

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�Fig. 3

��The bevel of a chisel as it is when new and after it has been used for some time

leather. After these tools ha\e been whetted often the be\-els will assume the shape shown in Fig. 3. In this case they must be ground to restore the original angle of 20 degrees. The giinding may be done on a grind-stone or emery-wheel. If neither of these is a\'ailable the coarse side of the oil-stone will answer the purpose. The cutter for the spoke- shave may be sharpened in the same way. The gouges must be shariu-ned on a slii)-stone, that i.s, an oil-stone, shaped to lit til,- ('ur\c of the tool.


Saws are divided into two classes: those for rijjping and those used for cutting across the gr.iin of the wood. In the rip-saw tlii' teeth act like chi.sels anil I hop olT the end grain, while the cross-cut tooth is shaped like a knife,

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