Popular Science Monthly
��A Watch- Carrier for the Motorcycle Handlebar
EVERY motorcycle owner desires to have a watch placed on his handle- bar, but the cost of a good watch-holder is entirely too expensive for the service it gives.
A thoroughly practical and easily con- structed holder is made by removing the back of the watch and boring two small holes in it. A piece of nickel-plated brass or tin is then cut in a strip I in. wide and from 6 to 7 in. long, depending on the diameter of the bar. Two small holes are bored in the center of this piece, coinciding with those bored in the back of the watch, and out at each end to receive a bolt and nut when bent in a circular form.
This piece is then united to the watch- back and securely soldered. The watch- back is then pressed back on the watch and the metal strip curved around the handlebar and a bolt run through the two ends and tightened up, fastening it securely.
This makes a very attractive orna- ment on the machine, as only the watch itself is seen from the rider's seat. A little shellac or solder should be used when the watch-back is pressed on again to insure its safetv. — N. S. Mc Ewen.
���Operating the Oil-Pump of an Automobile by Valve Action
IT is seldom that the valves of an auto- mobile engine are called upon to per- form more than their usual function of admitting the mi.xture to the cylinder on the intake stroke and releasing the
���The upward movement of the valve stem and a strong spring operate the piston
burnt gas on the exhaust stroke; but the manufacturer of a new sight-feed oiler for a well-known light car has made use of one of the valves to actuate an easily- applied oil-pump.
The pump is operated directly from the valve through a rocker-arm which is raised with the \alve travel. The rocker- arm is slotted to fit against the \alve- stem between the valve-tappet and a special washer, and is pivoted. The upper end is in contact with the end of the pump-piston, and the reciprocation of this piston forces the oil to the en;^'ine. The upward movement of the Naive- stem causes the rocker-arm to mo\'e the pump-piston outward, thus forcing oil out of the little pump chamber. A strong spring forces the piston back on the downward valve-travel to suck oil into the chamber and force it out on the upward stroke of the vaK'e. Two simple ball-valves direct the flow of the oil to and from the pump.
��A metal strip is soldered to the watch and then curved around the handlebar
��How to Make a Mallet from a Piece of Broomstick
A MALLET can be very easily made by utilizing the remains of an old broomstick. The stick of the broom should be cut off to the length desired (about the size of an ordinary hammer). The head of the mallet is cut from 4 in. square lumber, such as oak or maple, or in fact any hard wood. Drill a i-in. hole through the head.
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