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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/632

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��Popular Science Monthly

��Utilizing an Old -Fashioned Flat-iron as an Anvil

AFLAT-IRON of the old cast- iron variety can be made into a useful bench anvil by simply stapling it to the work- bench as shown in the diagram, in which A is the body of the iron, C the handle, D the bench top, and 5,5, staples to hold the handle in po- sition. If a slot is cut in the bench top, fairly heavy work can be done on it. — James Mullen, Jr.

���Ordinary flat-iron fast- ened to the work-bench

��Protecting the Gas Range with a Wind- Shield

D I RING warm weather the draft from open doors and windows produces a bad effect on the flame of a gas range, sometimes blowing it out. A simple wind-shield may be easily constructed as shown in the illustration. The parts necessary are two pieces of molding, each about 2 ft. long — hard- wood being the best material — and a piece of heavy cardboard.

The two pieces of molding are joined together as shown in the sketch at A to provide a substantial base. The holding means may be a thin wood strip, or a bit of tin nailed across the ends. In fastening this piece in place be sure to allow enough space between the strips to admit the cardboard. The shield can be shifted to any position desired to protect the flame and will prevent irons cooling from the draft. As it is not stationary it may be made to serve other pur- IX)scs also.— Mrs. Jennie McCoy.

��Easily Attached Shock-Absorber for the Automobile

1IGHT cars have a tendency to jounce -y the passengers uncomfortably unless the springs are checked in their re- bound by some shock- absorbing device. Most of the dcN'ices r^n the market require special work on the frame of the car or the springs; some need drilled holes. A new type of re- bound check has now been inventetl which does away with the necessity of drilling holes in the frame, and which can be quickly attached to any type or size of car. The device consists of an adjustable strap attached to a strong, hea\'y coil spring, which is fitted with a special clamping device, to be attached to the inside of the frame chamber.

����The shield may l)c set in any diMnu i,i;..:;i .n in order to keep the draught from the flame

��A Simple Method of Filing Checks and Receipts

AS a safeguard against duplicating l\ payments and as a matter of a receipt cancelled checks should be kept on file. Unless a special file is provided it is quite difficult to keep them in any kind of order. However, this can be done quhc easily with a container made from boards of the ordinary check book cut down to the size desired and the metal back and rings of a narrow loose-leaf note- book. Two small holes are punched in the checks to permit their being placed on the rings. They are then transferred to the colli. liner in regular order, and if it is (lcsire<l lo look up a < lu'( k it can i)C done w i t ii U t

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