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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/757

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Popular Hciencc Moiitlih/


��The "Permanent Wave" of a Woman's Hair and Its Secret

ANEW process for making a permanent waw in feminiiu' tresses has been invented I)\' a Now \'()rk man.

First of all the iiair is di\'idcd into a greater numher of strands than has been the usual practice. The part of each strand nearest the head is wrapped roimd a small ciirliny; rod. As it is wrapped the hair is slii;luly twisted. The part of the hair which lias been vva\ed previously is allowed to fall free.

The str.mds coiled around the turlers are Ireatetl with a su|iersaturated saline solution in the form of paste. This saturated coiled portion of the hair is then inclosed in a wrapping and heatetl by encir;lin . the coil.^d hair with a suitable hcator.

A tempcr.uure of 800 degrees is maintained for aI)out twcnt\- nn'iuites. Then the heat is turned olT fjr fcjur minutes, and turned on again for fi>ur minutes. .After the hair has cooled it is taken out of the coiLs and washed.


���The saturated strands of hair arc wrapped in flannel and heated twice by electricity

��The sirens of old may have been more al- luring but certainly no more mysterious

The Lure of the Lorelei Minus the Siren

rHE song of the sirens has long been stilled. The flowing deep has lost its sweet-voiced, seductive inter- preters and the wild waves whisper enitinias. Instead, the voice of the >,ixophone. the bugle or the bass horn ma\' be made to steal along the surface of the waters.

The principle of the invention which makes this possible is merely the submersion of a watertight coTnpartment with \ents for air and a horn or other \ent connected, through whi.h music may be simg or plav'ed for the amusement of an audience.

The water-tight compartment: is a box of glass with a steel frame — or, it may be a leak-proof barrel with a superstructure for support- ing the instrument. A block-and- tackle is attache<l so that it cati be immerscti and raise<l at will. The idea presentetl i> mx-ri to \ari.ition and many amusing effects might bi- obtainetl b\' the use of coiiceaUtl ventre ill the place of the conspicuous horn which is shown in the illustration.

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