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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/766

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Popular Srii'ttre yiotilhhi

���A glass of water may be heated almost instant - ly by immersing the cylinder in the water

A Magic Wand Which Changes Cold Water Into Hot Almost Instantly

THK varit'ty of uses to which the lit- tle iniinersion-hcater shown in the illustration nia\- be put will insure its poi>ularit\'. It is a cyliiulrical tube about seven inches in leni>lh, ha\ iiii; a Hexiblt- cortl with a plug at the end which inav be attaciied to an\- electric-li;^ht socket. Inside of the nickel case microhm re- sistance wire is wound about a mica coil, and when current is passed through this wire a white heat is obtained in a few seconds, so that it heats a small vessel of water almost instantaneousK-. Tile cylinder is immersed in the shavini; niUK. for instance, and in le>s than a minute the water is readv' for use. \ few seconds lonj-er and it will Iniil. In wamiinj- the baby's bottle, however, it is best to lu-at a larger \essel of water, and set the covered bottle in it, which will take a little longer time. This speci.d use will be most appreciated dtn-ing the cold winter nights.

( )llur st\ le> and >izis of the apparatus are.dM) m.uiuf.iclured for pln^icians' use in ^liTJlizing in>trnnienls and lor kitchen u>e where greater (iuantitie> of w.ilii are luedeil for dilVeienl piir|>tis<..-.

��A Comfortable Electric Foot- Warmer Pad

THOSE who are heir to all the ills resulting from cold feet will wel- come an electric foot-warmer, recently [)ut on the marki't. The heating coils fiirm an oblong pail which is encased in a remoxable and washable eiderdown cover. A pair of soft slippers of easy fit are also pro\idetl. There is no reason why the pad may not be used to keep the feet warm while in bed also. It may be taken e\"en into the automobile if arr.mgcments can be made to connect it with the iK>wcr. \Vhere\er there is an electric lamp MH'kt t or tlu- means of ap()King the iiuTcnt, the foot-warmer n\ti\' be used.

In\alids, convalescents or an>one of low \italit\- will be sure to find it a com- fort during the cold weather.

���The hcfilinu coil.'i form .in oblong pnd which is cnc.iscd in a washable cover and connected with the lamp-socket

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