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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/778

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��Popular Science Monthly

��two braces. It is held down securely by two catches in line with the braces.

The upper part of the box is filled with a rectangular pad of felt stuffed tightly with hay. This is removable.

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� � � ��A felt-and-hay insulated fireless cooker to accommodate one or more pots as desired

The pot is complelel>- wrapped about its sides and bottom with a felt oxer- coat. This may be made from an old felt hat which, if thoroughly steamed, may be easily shaped about the pot. If it is not wide enough to reach to the sides of the box, the erstwhile brim should be sewed to a square piece of stout material in which a circular hole has been cut. This rectangular piece is attached to the sides of the box by means of a 3^-in. wood molding, as shown in the sketch. The final pack- ing of the cooker is done as follows:

The bottom of the box is temporarily removed. The cover is lifted and o\er the pot the rectangular pad is placed. The lid is closed and the box turned upside down. Then the space that remains is filled with firmly packed hay, and when the bulk of this is in place all but one of the bottom boards arc nailed down. Through the remaining o[K'ning more hay is crowded in until tlu- packing is perfectly solid. Then the last of the bottom boards is secured. As a result of this arrangement the cooker is insulated at the top, sides and bottom by at least 2J/2 i'l- (|)referal)l\- T, in.) of i)acking. This pre\enls radi- ation and insures the efiicient use of all the heal which will be stored in liie pol.

RoitiCKt Ci. Skickrictt.

��Loosening a Wood Screw to Draw It Easily

IN an elTort to remove a No. iS wood screw which is 2 in. long, the slot in the iu.id was put into such a

��condition that the screwdriver-bit would not engage it. The screw had rusted in the hole. A cold chisel and hammer were brought into use to cut another slot. After cutting the slot it was found that the screw came out \ery easily. The force of the hammer blows had loosened up the rust and also had spread the wood around the screw sufificientlj- to allow it to come out. The same operation was tried out on a screw which had the head entirely twisted otT, and it was easih- removed.

��Transforming a Wheelbarrow into a Fantastic Toy

AN example of how so prosaic a . thing as a wheelbarrow may be made into a most alluring toy is shown in the illustration. As his clownship calls for grotesque rather than artistic lines, anyone handy with a saw and a sharp knife can fashion such a barrow according to his own ideas. The one pictured is in eleven sections — two legs, two sides, two end-pieces, the bottom, side standards, front wheel and head, which is car\-ed on both sides.

���The parts of the wheelbarrow are cut out in the shape of a clown and decorated

First, roughly sketch the clown on heavy manila paper in order to familiarize yourself with the lines of his anatt)m\'; then boldh' draw six sections on bristol board, half of his figure sufficing for a pattern. Cut out these sections with a sharp, pointed knife indicating with a pencil what each one is. Any lumber will do for the barrow; e\en an ordinary pine box may be utili/fd if it is long enough to pro- vide handles, tlu- dimensions ol which ma\- \ary acconling to the size reciuiri-d. The i)r(ii)orli()ns t)f the figure shown are about as follows: leg, 30 in. to tip of toe; end-piece, 14 in.; side-piece, 27 in. ; standard, \2 in.; wheel, lo in. in diame- ter; heaii, I) ill. troin the crown to nape

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