��Popular Science Monthly
��screws would sooner or Ititer rust in, and it would be diriicult to removi^ them. AH fitting and adjusting should be done when first building the structure, and it will then gc together without trouble when erected afterward. The side lights shown are not necessary when the storm door has a glass panel.
The door for this particular model was made to open out- ward, as the vestibule was too shallow to permit of its ofiening inward. When suffi- cient depth is avail- able, it is preferable to change the details so as to permit the door to swing in- ,.
ward. In this housl
case, cheaper butts, plain steel for instance, may be used, as there is no weather expo- sure, and the lock may be a common rim or mortise affair for the same reason. All screws, however, should be brass in any case. The door may be weather -stripped when it opens out, but if opening inward it will usually be neces- sary to use a threshold, as the average porch pilches away from the house, and this must l)e j)ro\ided for.
���Utilizing a Piano Stool as a Type- writer Stand A PERSON who uses a typewriter at home will find that a piano stool will make a very good stand for his machine. An ordinary table is too high. A good way to make the stool even more serviceable as a typewriter stand is to get a board, the size you may deem fit, and fasten it to the top of the stool. If the stool will not turn up as high
��as you would like to have it you can build it up under the board you are using as a top. The board used can be wider than the top of the stool, and shelves can be made on the extension. After the top is on and the shelves made, ^ go over them with varnish and you will have a very service- able and inexpensive typewriter stand. — IraR.Ai.ex.wder.
��Fig. 3. Cross-section showing the
construction of the top of the storm
vestibule for a veranda
��An Easy Method for Drilling Holes in Glass
IN drilling a hole in glass, first take an>' hard metal, press aiul turn it on the face of the glass at the jioint where the lioic is desired until the glazed surface is liroken. This will give a center or starling point for the drill. Then with a hand- l)racc anfl drill bore slowly, [ilacing a lit- (!(■ I nrpcnl inc cm the drill.
��An Emergency
Clothes Hanger for
the Traveler
WH KN trav- el i n g or visiting, one fri'(|uently is so situated that a clothes hanger is not a\ailable. A good substitute may be made in a quick and simple way, and the materials are always at hand. Roll up a newspaiier loosely and tie in the middle with a jiiece of string, Iea\ing a loo]) by which to hang it. This ma\' be suspeniled from a gas bracket or other handy hook, and will take lare of light-weight articles.
In washing an autoniobile use onl\' soft water as it is not so lianl on the finish, nor does it corrode uncovere*! metal.
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