��Popular Science Mout/ilif
��age there. Cut both edges in this man- ner; take the glass up in the hands with one thumb on each side of the cut and a folded first finger of each closed hand underneath, then bend sharply upward. The cut will part its entire length, clear and clean. Out of 80 lights cut in this manner only two were broken. Occasion- ally a pane will appear to be cross- grained and will not break clean. In this case "nibble" the edge down with a pair of flat nose pliers. Never use the slots on the cutter unless you are ex- pert in the use of them. Practice some cuts on waste glass before starting to cut the stock.
After the glass is cut, it is set, fastened with glazier's points and puttied in the usual manner. To make it fit the frame snugly so that it will be air-tight, putty should be placed in the rebate first before setting the pane, then each pane is fastened by laying a glazier's point on the surface and driving it in with the side of a chisel, swinging the bevel part back and forth in contact with the glass. Do not set the panes too tight or they may break. Some allowance should be made for expansion. If the putty is too stiff soften it by adding some linseed oil and kneading it in the hands. If too soft and sticky add a little powdered whiting and work it in the hands to the proper consistency. When the joint is finisheil run the finger firmly but lightly around on the putty to smooth it and make it pack properly. The touch is quickly learned after a few trials. When the putty has set, say 48 hours, the glass should be cleaned with alcohol and water and given the final coat of i)aint.
When this is dry the hanging operation takes place. For all second-story win- dows, hangers should be used. To locate the hangers use a dummy frame, to which hangers ha\'e been fastened with screws in the proper position. With this the hooks in which the hangers engage are easily placotl on the window- frame head without handling the hea\y sash in each case. The lowi-r windows may also have hangers if desired.
Improvised hangers may be made of brass screweyes turned into the inside of each frame about 10 in. from the toj) and Ijotlom in such a way that when the
��sash is in place a 4-penny nail, driven through the screwe>e and into the side of the window frame, will make a tight fit. This, of course, makes no provision for ventilation ; but a ventilatf)r may be made in the bottom of each sash by boring three i-in. holes side b\' side. A shutter of galvanized iron pivoted at one end, covers these holes when required, or may be swung aside on the pi\ot to open them. When open, with the upper sash lowered, the desired ventilation is obtained without draft. A screweye, located opposite the pi\-ot, could be turned to fasten or release the metal shutter.
The sashes on the upper windows of the house in question were pro\ided with hangers for ease in handling, and they also had screwe>'es for fastening the sash permanently. A button-hook was used to pull the sash up tight, by hooking it into the screweye while the nail was being driven. When all were in place the sashes were calked to the frames to make them air-tight. Strips of cloth about i in. wide were used. These were pushed in with a thin-bladed putty knife until no draft could be felt when the hand was held to the calked crack.
If for any reason it is not desired to use the blind frames as described, the frames can be made from new material, or that which may be gathered around the scrap pile. An old hotbed sash will furnish the material for a very satis- factory storm-sash frame. It is not necessary to use mortised joints. The corner joints may be made with lappe<l ends and the mullions nailed in place. Of course, the buill-u]) frame will admit more light than the one made from a blind frame, but otherwise it has no advantage. — H. S. Tallm.w.
��Getting Maximum Service from a Typewriter Ribbon
TVPi:\\Rrri£R ribbons that have been worn out ma\' be used again by making the ribbon double and winding it on the spool, h will give considerabK' more service and will write with much of its original clearness. On a typewriter that has average usage this hint will save .several dollars in the annual ribbon bill. — J. ARTHUR Ri:iii.
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