��Popular Science Monthly
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��The saw is geared directly to the motor and works in either direction. It will cut thirty thousand cakes of ice per day, thus equaling the work of sixteen men with eight horse-teams
��This Ice-Cutting Machine Takes the Place of Eight Horse-Teams
EOriPPEU with a thirty-five horse- power gasoline motor, which both dri\es the machine and operates the cuttinij saw, a new type of ice-sawing machine has been put on the market by a western manufacturer. It will cut one cake of ice a second, or thirty thousand cakes a day, thus c()ualing the output of sixteen men and eight horse-tciims.
The machine is one of the few gasoline ice— awing machines in the field at the present time, which can be rim in either direction with cciual success. Spikt-d wheels driven by gears and diains from the motor m()\e the machine over the ice, and the single large ice-saw may be raised or lowered to cut to a depth of from six to sixteen inches according to the thickness of the ice. The speed of the apparatus is regulated by means of a friction disk similar to that used on some aulnmobiles. The saw is geari'd directly to the motor and cuts in either direction. Since the machine
��can cut in either direction, it is not neces- sary to turn it around at the end of a cut, but merelv to shift it back.
��Taking Care of Automobile Tires at the Front
IN THK earl\- ilays of the war the wastage of automobile tires in France was alarm- ing. The suddenness and the extent of the effort necessary to stem the tide of invasion put economy out of the question. Tires were abandoned as soon as the\' were damaged and claims for new ones were ne\er (juestioned. The drivers hail neither time nor tools for making repairs, in most cases. But now each dri\er works from a base or dejiot, to which the worn or damaged tubes and casings nuist be returned. From the depot the damaged tires are sent to central repair stations wiiere they are rei)aired, tested, dried, t.iKed .mil ]iacked in cardboard boxes marked with all necessary descripli\e data. These repaired goods are stored in special storehouses and distributed as needed.
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