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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/855

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Popiilttr Science Monthly


��A Singeing Comb Which Prevents Hair Conflagrations

SUiVlli barbers do not difl'L'riMi- tiiite between singeing your hair and Ijurning it. To eliminate all ])Ossil)le danger Uavid 1*. C'cra, of Iron Belt, Wiscon- sin, has devised a hair-singeing comb which holds the hair in such a position that only the projecting ends are affected. The teeth of the guard-comb stand off or are spaced from the teeth of the singeing- comb, so that only the ends that project through the guard- comb are singed.

A Machine for Cleaning Ceilings

in Large Buildings MON GOTT-


���pumi), the cleansing thiid is forced through a tube out of the spray to the ceiling surface. A brush is then rotated or other- wise mo\ed 1)\' gear and lever. The used Huid is caught n the drip-pan and con- \oyecI by the central tube to the secondarA- compartment of the tank. Both tank r()mi)artnients are i-mi)tic-d by cocks. A small motor might c o n c e i V a b 1 y be used to actu- ate the brush, and the labor of cleaning ceilings in large buildings could thus be minimized.


��The barber can't bum your hair if he uses this simple guard comb

��Utilizing the Welsbach


��LIEB of New York must know something of the neck-craning diffi- culties of cleaning a ceiling. We judge so because he has in- vented a portable contrivance com- prising a tank on wheels with a super- structure consisting of a movable or ro- tatable brush on an adjustable arm; a spray, also on an adjustable frame; and a centrally placed drip- pan to catch all spray and drops of cleansing fluid falling back from the spray fun- nel or ceiling.

The tank is suli- divided to contain both the cleansing fluid (in the shade(l section) and the dirty water conve\-- edfromthedrip-pan.

W'hen air-pressure is applied through a


��Water is forced against the ceiling surface and a rotating brush moved by a gear and lever cleans it

��Waste from Mantles X making Wels- li a c h mantles nuist of the raw ma- icrial is wasted. About dity per cent, ot that is cerium. You light your cigar with that cerium, (irobably. (^ombined with alcohol, it pro- duces alcohol-igniting sparks when scratched. If a Welsbach has brains enough to device a mantle, depend up- on it he has brains enough to devise a si)ark-producing al- loy out of the waste left in the manufac- turing process of the mantle.

I f \- o u wonder v.li.ii makes the llame of certain elec- tric arcs so white, at- tribute it to cerium. The waste of the Welsbach mantle in- dustry actually serves to stimulate a ri\al of the Wels- bach mantle itself.

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