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Popular Science Monthly





��of Los

���'Armless" and Inconspicuous Baby Carrier .ipp.ir.iius, the principal aim of wliit li is to eliminate the elc- niciil of driulgcry from the oper- ation of t'on\i'ying an infant from l)lace to place, has just been in- wnted by W. J. Sprong, Anufk's, ("aliforiiia. The carriiT may be used either in the home or uiJon ih street ; while the moth is iloing the work abou I he house, or at the time of her shopping ton One of the features ( the device is that whe it is used both arms ( ihe person carrying th { hild are practical! free to tlo other thing Another point which is important is that by its use the shoulders and back are forced to take the WL'ight of the child, rather than the arms. FracticalU' no etTort is needec to carry the aver- age baby. With this tlevice in use the go-cart may be left at home, while on rain\- ila\s the infant's feet need not i)e prrmilled to toucii the pavement.

The de\ice may be used with ecjual com- fort either upon or beneath the outside ( lothing. The part of the carrier which holds the baby may be attached to and detached from the shoulder "harness" in ail instant, the basket section being so small that it takes up no more room than a good-sized handkerchief when rolled up and jilaced in the purse or handbag. It is m.ide of a fabric material and is ad- justable to any size.

Manual & Contrctled Manual Block Signets


���With this carrier the shoulders and back are forced to take the weight of the child

��Daylight Lamp Signals Will Take

the Place of Semaphores NEW system of signaling which dis- penses with semaphores and colored lamps has been adopted on the iVmisyhania Railroad. All indi- cations, both by day and by night, ' are given by rows of white lights corresponding with the positions of semaphore arms. The system has in use for more than eighteen months on the twenty-mile line from Philadelphia to Paoli. This line has four tracks and it is one of the latest examples of rail- way electrification. There is hea\y suburban and general traffic and the blocks are three to four thousand feet in length.

In 1914, Dr. Church disco\ered the possibility f securing long range from a mall lamp arranged in the xact focal center of a small ide-angle lens. Following this ml in conjunction with Mr. A. Rudd, Signal Engineer of he Pennsyhania Railroad, the ew signaling system was de- cloped, in which separate light units arranged in rows represent- ed the positions of the sema- plicjre blades, dispensing entire- ly with the use of lights of different colors. After extensive experimenting, the system was perfected and put into actual service. The signals are used both at lilock sections and at interlocking plants and are operated both automatically and manually.

In the opinion of Mr. Rudd, light signals are the coming t>pe, and will supersede the present semaphore signals. The only alternative is the possibilit\' of an auto- matic speed-control sxsteni for trains, suffi- ciently reliable to preclude the necessity- for fixed signals of aru' kind.

��Automatic Block Signals

��Additional Si9nal3 at Interlocking Planrt


��FVo<(«<la.th CJwt'O" P'TXMiS grtMrrt


�Stop the* pfMccd

�Proceed. pr«»«rrt

�prt»«r«dtouo»ihort tow»*Mn«il

� � � �«/tratn*r «k3irv«tiOA SiQA^I-

� � �9'9Ul.

��Pi'oc c ett . pr« M r e d

��Rows of white lights corresponding with the positions of semaphore arms indicate all signals both by day and by night. These new signals have been given the name of •'position lights"

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