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Popular Scicitcr MontJiI;/


��dren under four years of age and over sixteen. This explains the size of the clinic, one of the tin ve largest in the world. Under the Frauenthal method a >c)ung baijy may be treated for deformities, such as club feet and hands, because the hospital ac- cepts children from birth. At the time of my visit to the hospital for the Popular S( n M i: Monthly, the \()ungest patient

��human waste this means. Think of suffer- ing an amputation because there is no I^lace where one can go where a diseased joint can be restored. A man lacking an arm or a leg depreciates in \alue to himself and to the community.

Cleaning Teeth to Save Lives The science of orthopaedy has some

���Above: Exercises to regain control of par- alyzed muscles and to straighten spines

was four da>s old. Cases requiring hospital treatment are accepted antl kept in the institu- tion until their difti culties arc o\'ercome, if the\- have to remain a year.

Before the hospital was established a man suffering from a chronic affection of a joint, for example a knee joint, would ha\e been sent from one hospital to another until, in despair, he would finalK- consent to ha\-e the leg amputated. The ordinary- hospital is not ec|uippcd for orthopaedic work. Its facilities are overtaxed in caring for acute cases. There is neither time nor room to treat chronic cases. Think of the terrible

��To the left: Adjust- ing a traction splint to correct a shortened leg

amazing features. Many men-and women — have been rescued from living the!i\es of hope- less cripples simply thrinigh ha\ing their teeth cleaned. It seems incredible; yet it is true. The easiest way to bring it home to you is to tell you the stories of some of the sufferers who have been cured by this ex- tremely simple means.

A detectixe who had to walk much, suddenly began to experience trouble with his feet. For two years he was treated for fallen arches. He could not oljtain relief. His feet became more painful e\'ery day. At last he was advised to go to the Hospital for Deformities and Joint Diseases. By

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