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��Popular Science MonihJy

��from 6 to 10 degrees FahrenlK'it. Heal is necessary to the development and growth of the limb. Hot ballis are also given to lloat the limb and aid in acquiring motion. The most interesting part of the treat- ment is the exercising done before a mirror. The little patient is told to concentrate his mind on the alTected part, whether an arm, a leg or an\' group of muscles, and to en- deavor to mo\-e those muscles. The mirror stimulates him to put forth his best efforts because he takes keen interest in watching what he does.

What Causes Hunchbacks

Tuberculous disease of the spine (Potts disease), unless checked, leads to the deformity commonly called hunchback. Ciiikiren under three years of age are held in bed in an apparatus which gradually restores them to a normal position. Any day you may see a row of these little pa- tients on the balcon>- of the hospital. Despite the fact that they are strapped in an apparatus, whicii must be painfulK- confining to a liberty-lo\ing, acti\e child, they are a happy, cheerful lot.

The average case receives surgical opera- tion. A piece of the shin-bone is rcmo\x'd and placed in the diseased portion of the spine as a wedge. The child is then placed in an apparatus which keeps his body rigid. Here he lies f(jr si.\ months following the o|)eralion. The cots are on a baIcon\- which overlooks a park. The patients get all the air and sunlight it is jiossible to get in a cit\'. Strict attention is paid to diet. These children are fed highK nutritious food. After a few weeks of this treatment it is difficult to believe that they are not in the best of health. If it were not for the apparatus whit li confines them, one would take liuin for normal children. When they fmalK leave the hospit.il they can run and play like other >'oungsters. And the beauty of it is, t h <• \- g r f) w up straight-backed.

Iii|)-diseasc i^

another cause <>f The viclim is hcl.l securely I defnrmi t >•. The urc buckled to the breHstpli

��affected leg is much shorter tlian the other. The Frauenthal methtKl of treating this employs carefulK' adjusted splints, X-Ra\' treatment and special diet. The child frequently is kept in bed, held in a recumbent position by means of straps. The affected leg is clamped in a weighted apparatus which constantly pulls the de- f(jrmed member. The hip is treated by the X-I<a>' to stimulate the growth i>f healthy tissue. After a ]x-riod of this treatment, careful diet and fresh air the patient is fitted with a splint in which he can walk. E\'entually the disease is eradicated and the short leg induced to grow.

The X-Ray is used extensively in the treatment of jpint diseases. For certain joint troubles hot, dry air is useil. The patient places the affected member in an electric baker and subjects it to a tempera- ture of from 250 to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Another interesting apparatus is the Zander apparatus for developing the muscles in weak and flat feet. The foot is strapped to the apparatus, which is then set in mo- lion. The machine is capable of a variet>- of motions designed to exercise the muscles.

Thanks to orthopaedic surgery the human tree no longer has to incline the way the twig is bent. .\t the Hospital for Deformities and Joint Diseases fi\e hundred bent twigs are started on the road to straightness every day. They come in on (Tutciics, but they walk out on their feet.

A Rescue Saddle for the Fireman Which Leaves His Hands Free

THF Indian wdni.in carries l.er papoose stra|)ped (T;."^?^ in a basket-cradle her back, because • must needs have her hands free for other things. T h e same idea has been utilizcnl 1>> William De l.ude and Al- bert H. Steele, of Kansas City, in the construc- of a .saddle to be used b>" firemen in rocning unconscious <ir lulplesspersi>nsfrom .1 biu'ning building. The construction and .y the St rnps which »'«^' of the siiddle arc

ite Hiid buck |)lalc sliowii in the picture.

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