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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/870

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Eight Pictures on One Plate

The camera may not lie but it can be made to play tricks








��A SIMPLE atlachmt'iii for llie camera in the position shown which enables the photographer to the second picture the secure a number of exposures upon and reversed, as in the same plate or lilm has been in- vented by Charlie K. Pugh, of Colo- rado City, Colorado. Two, three, or four pictures may be taken upon different portions of the plate or film without an>- line of demarcation showing. Four ex- posures were made to obtain the photo- graph in the accom- panying illustra- tion.

The attachment is a plate of thin metal with the side edges l)ent inwardly to form flanges to fasten over the camera-lens, as shown in Fig. 8. Affixed to the front of the plate is a rectangular box and tongue, ha\iiigsidewalls closed at one end and oix'iied at the (jlher.

When it is de- sired to take two laterally exposed \ iews the device is adjusted over the camera-lens as shown in I'igs. i and 4. In olhi-r WDrds, it is so ad- justed as to leave an opening for

about one half or one third of the diaphragm, light-shield, acting on the i)rinciple of a slide in a plati-holder, cuts olT the rays of light which would nilu-rwise alTi-cl the oilier half or remainder of!lie plate.

When two pictures are to be taken on the same |)late, one vertically abo\e the other, the device is




��n Fig. 2. To form device is removed I'ig- 3- ^^ hen four jiictures are taken the device is ar- ranged so as to take the two lateral views first, each \iew oc- cupying one third of the plate. The two middle views are then taken by re- adjusting the device. This gives four jiictures on the same plate, one on the left hand, one on the right, and two in the middle, one abo\e the other.

The tongue in the rectangular box, shown in I'igs. 5, <) and 10, is important, since it cuts olT any uiulesired slanting rays.

This is illustrated in Fig. 10. The light coming in the direction of the middle line is de- sired; the light rays above or be- low it are cut ofT b\- the tongue.


��Details of the camera attachment which makes the multiple picture |K>ssible



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