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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/877

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P(>}>uJ(ir Sriciicc M<))iflih/


���At left above: Another variation of the scenic railway in which a revolving framework in the center of the spiral track pushes the cars upward. In the contraption in the central picture the oc- cupants are strapped in the car, which is shot out from the steel support to execute a somersault and leap to an inclined track. At the right, a saddle is bolted to a wheel which revolves within a wheel, roll- ing down a sharp incline and leaping to a slide below

��elsewhere in the track so that the mad occupants of the car will be sure of their money's worth.

Let us not forget the "Corkscrew of Fate," or whtitever it may be called, which is illustrated on page 86i. One enjoys the corkscrew motion after ha\ing entered a hollow steel ball and dropping in it down a precipitous incline. Centrifugal force holds the ball to the rails, and it whirls around and around in the spiral, rolling out at the end against a cushioned bumper, where the occupant emerges, a sadder and wiser, if not a broken, man.

The whirling wheels of Coney Island arc reflected in a recent British patent device. Built as a horseless merry-go-'round, a re\'olving platform olTers its occupants the pleasure of climbing a steep slope to the center and seizing a prize which is placed there. Centrifugal force explains wh>' \er>' few aspirants could reach the bo.x of bon-bons, solid gold watch, bouquet of flowers, pint of gasoline, or whatever the prize might be.

Fortunately, serious-minded men in amusement -park commimities ha\e the power to censor the extent to which these thrills may be carried. Yet for each life- risking device which the censors have deleted a dozen others have been brought forth. The loop-thc-loop devices are no

��longer popular, being too literalK' neck- breakers; but the amusement-park man who claims that he cannot find enough thrillers for his patrons iseither lazy or lying.

��The Medicinal and Hygienic Virtues of the Lemon

II*' the testimony of the Sicilian Citrus Chamber is given due consideration in determining the status of a lemon, it de- serves an important place in the list of first aids. According to the authority mentioned the lemon aids are chiefly medicinal and hygienic. Its juice is of value in treating diphtheria and gout. For ordinary colds it is a great specific. It will cure slight wounds and chilblains. The juice of several lemons taken every day will help to cure rheumatism and prove an antidote for diabetes; small slices applied to corns will ease the pain.

As a cleansing agent and beautifier, the reputation of the lemon soars still iiigher. The juice whitens the hands, improNcs the complexion, helps, if any- thing can, to remove freckles. In the culinarj- department it ranks with salt and sugar in general usefulness, and as a furniture polish its oil is beyond reproach.

And yet to be dubbed "a lemon" is considered uncomplimentar>-!

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