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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/882

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��Popular Science Moiiilily

��Laying a Brilliant Trail for Bargain Hunters

�����Broad stripes of brilliant red painted in water- color on the cement sidewalk converge at the show window and point out bargains

A CLEVER Los Angeles shop-dealer drew many passers-by to his show- window by a simple dex'ice which cost him only a few cents and a few minutes' work. Me utilized the cement sidewalk in front of his store as part of his ad\'erti>ing medium, painting broad stripes of brilliant red on the pavement and spreading them out in all directions. The>- all con\erged, however, upon the show-window.

The scarlet stripes were carried up on the plate-glass, and behind the pane each strii)e was continued further bj- a strip of retl paper which led to some article in the window marked at a bargain price. The paint usetl was water color and lould lie readily wash- ed off when it had ser\ed its purpose. Hardly a person passed without hav- ing the attention attracted !)>• the lines on the pax'e- ment and slopjjing to in- \estigate their meaning.

��separated from his crow. No longer can he perform his natural dut%' of signaling to the immediate poultr\' population.

The cap is made of strong canvas and has suspender straps which fasten around the legs and hold the cap in place. These iiang comfortabK' loose when the rooster's iiead is down, as when he is eating; but when he attempts to throw his head back and his chest out in order to give vent to his pride in a crow that ma\' be heard by e\er\- rixal cock for miles around, he fnids himself unreasonabh" restricted. The cap muzzle ma\' be worn during the day, also, if necessar\-.

��Separating the Rooster from His Crow

THE latest fashion news from the poultry \ard dcMribes a new style of nightca|) for the rooster. Of •'ourse the rooster is not consulted as to whether he likes it or not. but he wears it under llu- mandate of who in turn is inlhn-ncefl l>\- the more or Ic^s caiislic rcm.irks uf hi-, neighlxir.s. |-"or

���The "Step Lively. Please!" of Stage-Coach Times

WHEX the tra\eler's blood is boiling with resentment against the auto- crats in uniform who issue peremptory connnands and hustle belated passengers with scant courtesy into overcrowded cars, he is apt to iineigh against modern times and sigh for the da\s in which, although tra\el was slow, a man had at least time to catch his breath. But E. G. Marchand, a Canadian writer, in a graphic description of a stage-coach journe\- in the seventeenth century, shows that although conditions ma\- change, the conductors of to-day and those of olden times are of one clan.

The special grievance of the stage-coach

passengers was nt>t so much the o\'ercrowd-

ing, although the wooden

horseof TroNciiulilnot have

leen more closely packed.

It was the heartless-

��nessof the conductor at the times and places allotted for eating, that finally i-aused a general strike of the patrons, lie was accused of luing in comii\ancc with theinn-keepers, who in\ari,\bl\- had a t e m |) t i n g table d'hote ready on the arrival of tite coach. Mui MMrcely li.id the The cap is mnde of strong cnnvaa with siis- hungr\' travelers

pcndcrs fastening around the rooster's legs ,. , l|.,.,| .i,,. »;_..

the ponlirs ni.in. course when ".Ml abo.ird!" was shouted. The driver moimled his seat, cracked his whip, .ind the p.issengers either scr.imbled

��while wearing the nighlc.i|) tin- nxister is iijnoniininusK .dio.inj or were left beli

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