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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/956

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��Popular Science Motiflth/

��(lamps, before boring the holes for the 7 in. wide and sliaped as shown. Th;

holts. The U-strap bolts will need to be runners are shod with wrought-iron shoes

made b>- a local wheelwright or blacksmith, made of i-in. iron, and solidly attached to

who will no tloiibt loan the clamps. the oak runners by long flat-head screws,

Full details of the rimner-plank construe-, which are countersunk. Round iron is

tion are shown in the drawing. The outside generally used for the shoes, and that the

��runner-guide is bolted to the underside of the runner-plank i in. from the ouiside edge. Two pairs of guides will be required and they should lie made from straight- grained oak, 14 in. long, 4 in. wide and i}i in. thick. From the inside of the first guide measure off i^ in. and bolt the second or inner guide across the plank I)arallel with the first one. This will leave a slot i?4 in. in width between the guides

��iron may be rigidly clamped in place, a slot or groove is cut in the bottoms of the ruiuicrs to receive it. However, half- round iron may be used, if desired. That the shoes may "bite" the ice well, the running surface is filed to a V-shape as illustrated. When doing this work, con- siderable care must be taken to make the filed edge perfectly straight, for any wa\'iness is certain to cause the craft


���-^ 7^

RUNNER PLANK, Details of the backbone, runner-plank and its fastenings together with dimensions of the parts of the ice yacht


��in which to insert the runners later. Carriage bolts J4 'i- in diameter are used for fastening the guides in place. To further strengthen the head of the plank, an oak knee is Iiutted against the inner guide and bolted to the ]ilank as shown. Make the knees about iH in. long and the same width and thickness as the oak guides. When boiling the guides in place, take [i.irticular care to ha\'e them absolutely at ri'^ht angles to the jjlank, otherwise the lM),it will "track" poorly, and pro\-e slow. In order to get this right, clami) the pieces in |)lace before boring the boli-iiolcs. After all the nuts are set up on the bolts, peen f)ver the edges of the bolt-ends so that the nuts will not be lost should they hai)i)en to Ifjosen up at any time.

The side rimners are sawed from straight- grained white oak, i}^ i"- tliick, 4 ft. long,

��to slide and deviate from its course.

The completed runners are inserted lic- tween the oak guides and "himg" to the nuiner-plank b\- means of a Jo-'"- teeter- bolt. Tile usual practice is to hang them in the center of the runner siu-face as shown, lea\ing a space of about -^.i in. between the top of the runner and the runner-j^lank. In boring the hole for the teeter-bolt, make it a comfortably snug fit, so that the runner will mo\e on the bolt as uiion a pivot.

The rudder, or steering runner, is made of 1,'2-in. white oak, 3 ft. long and 5 in. wide, it is shod with wrought-iron the same as the side runners. Coinjilete details are given in the drawing. The rud<ler-(itting and tiller can be made by an>' ironworker or local smithy. To alTord a good griji for tiu' h.uid, tlu- end of the tiller m,u' be

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