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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/960

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A Puller


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��Popular Science Montlih/

��to Remove Steering Wheels

on Automobiles

PLE device for removing a

ring wheel from its post is

the illustration. It is made of

in. long, I in. wide and l-o in-

���The puller and its applica- tion on a steering wheel

thiik. The bar is bent as shown and a hole drilled and tapped for a J-^-in. screw in the center. The end of the screw is pointed to fit into the center of the steering head post. The two bent ends are hooked under the cross-arms of the steering wheel and the screw-end set in the center of the post. It is only neces- sary to apply a common wrench to draw the wheel from its place quickly.

��Milk as a Lubricant for Drilling in Copper

SOME years ago a man came into the writer's shop with a copper tube having a J-s-'"- wall. He wanted fifteen holes drilled into this tube with a No. 80 drill, which is somi'whal smaller than a pin. The writer had a dozen drills of this size on han<l so one of them was placed in the chuck and the drilling began. That is, it was intended that it should begin. Hut no sooner did the drill touch the tube than it snapjjed olT like so much glass. Another drill was tried using oil as a lubricant, with the same result. Then soap water, difTerent kinds of oil and e\'er>' known lubricant were tried ])ut without avail, l-'inally only one drill was left with not e\'en one hole in the lube to show for the destruc- tion of the other eleven. It seemed a hopeless case. Then as a final resort milk was tried and grcatK* to our surprise all the holes were drilled with

��the last drill. This sounds incredible but it is true, nevertheless. The milk contains just enough oil to act as a lubricant and enough water to act as a cooling agent. This combination of oil and water cannot be obtained in any other form. Milk is not only useful in drilling copper, but also in working it in any manner. — Leslie S. Lyons.

Lubricating the Working Joints of a Pocket Knife

POCKET knives naturally come in close contact with the body and for this reason they become dry and rusty from the heat and perspiration. Necessarily any lubricant must be of some dry material. A very simple and efficient, as well as cleanly method is to use a little powdered graphite on the joints. The graphite may be obtained from the lead of a pencil. After applying it, work the blades a few times to get it into the joints.

Compressing Automobile Leaf Springs to Bolt Them

THE problem of compressing the leaf springs on a Ford was solved in the following manner without the use of the usual clamp. A large wrench was

��slipped over the chassis and

�spring anc

�DIRECTION fv^l* \

OF PULL V'-^jIWi-'

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��Drawing spring in close contact with chassis frame for bolting it in position

tightened into position, after which the wrench was pulled to the right and the spring was compressed and easih' bolted into jiosition. The illustration shows the nutlKKl of [irocedure.

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