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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/974

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Plans of a Small Modern Dairy Barn

It costs only $500 and it can be enlarged at any time

��By W. E. Fruddeii

��IF the dairy business is started with only a few cows and it is expected to increase the herd from year to year it will pay to adopt the barn plans shown in the illustration. If desired the barn may be

of cinders which will aid in keeping it dry. The construction is simple, but it is carefully planned to give the proper amount of air space and window sur ice for each cow and to provide the mo: convenient

���MATERIAL LIST 2 Girders 18 ft. long by 4 by 6 in. 2 Girders 22 ft. long by 4 by 6 in.

6 Posts 10 ft. long liy 6 in. square.

The following pieces of 2 by 4-in. stock will be required:

���35 Pieces 12 ft. long

25 Pieces 1 4 ft. long

1200 Sq. ft. of 1 by 8-in. siding

1400 Sq. ft. of sheathing

14 Squares of roofing

��50 Pieces 16 ft. long 17 Pieces 10 ft. long 15 Windows 40 Barrels of cement

���Plans of a small modern dairy barn that can be enlarged as the herd grows and finished inside whenever convenient. In a one-story structure hay may be stored in an adjoining shed

��left unfinished on the inside temporarily and when the profits from the herd justif\- the expense it may be boarded and ceiled or plastered. The capacity of the l)ani may be increased at any time.

When makiiit; additions it must be re- membered that there are certain standard material lengths and the structure six mid be planned in these lengths or their nuilliples to avoid waste in the cutting of the stock. Tliis applies only to the woodwork. The concrete is laid on a well packed foundation

��arrangements for feeding and barn cleaning. The estimated cost of the structure is about S500 without the silo aiul the barn and sl.ible equiinnent. It will cost Siooo to build a two-story liarn of this size to accommodate25 tonsof looseha\' in addition to the stock; but the hay can be stored \ery niceh- in a shed at the end of the barn at a cost of §125. Where economy is an imjjortant factor, the one-story barn meets every retiuirement without sacrificing any of the features essential to cow comfort.


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