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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 9.djvu/12

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Cause of the Aurora 638
Centennial Exhibition, New Departure at the 106
Certain Phases of Bird-Life 343
Challenger, Cruise of the 630
Channing, W. F., Organized Homesteads 733
Character and Work of Liebig 49
Chromis Pater-Familias. (Illustrated.) 322
Circulation, Oceanic 506
Clarke, F. C., Hypnotism 211
Clarke, F. W., Colleges and Science 467
Climatology of New Zealand 119
Clothing the Young 122
Coal in Pennsylvania 507
Coal-Gas as Fuel 635
Cochineal Cactus, Culture of the 636
Cold of the Ice-Period, Causes of 280
Cold, Effects of, on Milk 635
Colleges, American, vs. American Science 467
Color, The Constants of. (Illustrated.) 641
Concrete Construction 509
Condensed Beer 379
"Conflict," The, and the "Warfare" 757
Congress of German Anthropologists 120
Conrad, V. L., Blasius's Theory of Storms 294
Conscience in Animals 80
Cornwall, Prof. H. B., Petroleum 140
Crane, Natural Trumpet of the. (Illustrated.) 137
Criminal Justice in 1876 498
Crocodile, Habitat of the 124
Crookes, W., Mechanical Action of Light 257
Cunning of the Adder 251

Dallinger, Rev. W. H., Spontaneous Generation 448
Daly, C. P., Geographical Progress 37
Daly, Judge, his Address 108
Deems, Rev. C. F., Science and Religion 239
Destruction of the Buffalo 377
Diamond-Fields of South Africa 378
Distances, Measuring, by Sound 251
Dreams, Philosophy of 766
Dredging for Amber 121
Drunkard, Body-Temperature of the 507
Dry Thunder-Storms 765

Early Western Explorers 493
Electricity, Lessons in. (Illustrated.) 30
Electricity, Lessons in. (Illustrated.) 158
Electricity, Lessons in. (Illustrated.) 331
English Philosophy in Germany 243
Eucalypti as Timber-Trees 509
Evolution, Mathematics in 202
Experiments on Hypnotism 211
Exploration of Victoria Cave 125