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Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 9.djvu/15

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Mount Marcy, Winter Fauna of 509
Musical Tones, Perception of 382
Myriapods. (Illustrated.) 570

Natural History in New Guinea 767
Natural Trumpet of the Crane. (Illustrated.) 137
Naturalist, A Neglected 764
Nature of Invertebrate Brain. (Illustrated.) 702
New Guinea, People of 507
New Houses, Unhealthiness of 117
New Zealand, Climatology of 119
Newberry, J. S., Cold of Ice Period 280
Newberry, Prof. J. S., Sketch of. (Portrait.) 490
Notes 126
Notes 255
Notes 383
Notes 511
Notes 639
Notes 767

Observing Interior of Eye. (Illustrated.) 684
Oceanic Circulation 506
Odling, William, The Revived Theory of Phlogiston 560
Ordeals and Oaths 307
Organisms and their Media 215
Organized Homesteads and Households 733
Ostrich-Farming 636
Oysters, Fattening 637

Paper-Money, French Experiments with 615
Pauperism and Hospitals 738
Pennsylvania Coal 507
Periodic Movements of Foliage 634
Petroleum 140
Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences 506
Philosophy, English, in Germany 243
"of Dreams 766
Phlogiston, The Revived Theory of 560
Pig, The Prehistoric 631
Plants, Fertilization of 765
"Local Distribution of 676
Polar Glaciers, The 178
Predatory and Industrial Societies 718
Prehistoric Relics at the Centennial Exhibition 508
Prepossessions regarding the Supernatural 21
Preservation of Zoölogical Specimens 254
Probable Age of the World 649
Promotion of Science 494
Putrid Blood, Toxic Action of 635

Radiometer, The 364
Rattlesnakes and their Bites 123
Recent Advances in Telegraphy. (Illustrated.) 71
Recent Geographical Progress 37
Relic of Mound-Builders 510