Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/149

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Popular Science Monthly


��fastened with two 3-in. nails driven part way in and bent over.

A tenon-saw with an adjustable back

���Jig for gaging and cutting perfect tenons on thin slats with a gage back tenon saw

must be used and it is set as follows:

Whittle four small pieces of pine 1/16 in.

thick and lay a pair of them on each of the

pieces F and G near the opening betw^een

them. Slip the saw in the slit and let the

back slide down to rest on the pieces.

Clamp the back of the

saw at the handle and

remove the small pieces.

The blade will sink 1/16

in. into the pieces B and

C. Take the piece on

which the tenon is to be

cut, mark the distance for

the length of the tenon

and draw a fine pencil

line with the aid of a

juare. Insert the slat uetween the pieces B and C and under the cross-pieces and drive it in gently with a mallet. When the line drawn i>asses the saw-guide, as

en by means of the and hole, put a piece

■ steel the thickness of

le saw-blade in the

' ot — a square blade may be used for this purpose. By means of the clamp, screw the stock forward until the pencil line is just at the edge of the steel; saw until the gage will prevent it cutting any

��farther and remove the saw from the slot. Drive the stock back until the end is under the saw and make another cut. Give the clamp-screw one complete turn and saw another cut. This operation is repeated until the first cut is almost reached. Split off the bits of wood left between the cuts with a chisel and then with the stock set so that the end is under the slot and the saw in position, begin sawing and slowly screwing the piece fon^-ard with the clamp. The result will be a perfectly cut tenon. Each tenon can be cut similarly on both sides.

Generally the tenons used need be only J^ in. long, or even less, and they are cut ver>' rapidly, evenly and not too smooth so that they can be driven home in the mortise. The dimensions of all the pieces used will depend upon the material to be cut and the length of the finished slat. The dimensions given are for making tenons ^ in. long on each end of slats 10 in. long, 2 in. wide and ^ in. thick.

The same device can be used for cutting tenons on thicker stock, but several cuts are necessary and the channel must be deeper.

���The swinging of the stanchion gives the cow plenty of room for move- ment with comparative comfort

��Swinging Stanchion That Gives Comfort to the Cow

THE stanchion described herein has given perfect satisfaction upon a

dairy farm in New

Hampshire, the propri- etor of which devised and built it himself. The old chain-posts were torn out and the new swing- ing stanchions installed while the cows were in the pasture during the forenoon. The stanchion can be instantly locked from the front or back, and will hold the most unruly cow safe and without discomfort. It will permit enough end movement so that the cow can lie down or get up easily, and allows sufficient freedom of movement in any direc- tion for the greatest comfort. When the cow is lying down the stanchion will accommo- date itself to the direction of the neck and there will be no evidence of difficulty in breathing or of the discomfort caused by a

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