Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/364

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��Popular Science Monthly

��The figures apparently dance across the stage on a revolving belt

���The Latest Rival of the

  • 'Punch and Judy" Show

FOR unnumbered years, it seems, the Punch and Judy show has held its place in the affections of the juvenile public. Now, however, it can no longer hold undisputed sway. A new toy em- bodying the same general principle, has been invented by J. A. Dunigan, of Albany, N. Y., which is not only as amusing but is capable of great variation.

As shown in the illustration, a number of toy actors are mounted on an endless belt which extends across a guideway in the floor of the miniature stage. The belt is composed of a folded strip of stiff material into which the base pieces of the toys are inserted and by which they are carried across the stage during the performance.

Speaking parts taken by persons behind the scenes increase the interest and the liveliness of the act. Any number of toy figures may be used. They are easily removable so that there need be no monot- ony in the performance.

��States Geological Survey is sending out to do special leveling work. The adding machine is conceded to be much more reliable than the ordinary clerk, male or fe- male, and the practicabiHty of using it for recording read- ings of the level rods was proved in connection with work done recently by Government surveyors in certain sections of Florida and Indiana. As many of the observations are made on railroad rights of way, the Government men use motor velocipedes to trans- port themselves and their equipment from place to place.

When in use, the adding machine is placed firmly on the base of the velocipede and is then strapped on. It is possible to move the car and apparatus along the rails without disturbing the arrangement. This is said to be the first time mechanical adders have been used in the field. The United States Geological Survey reports that recording can be done in this way more quickly and with less likelihood of error than by the old method of entering observations in a record book.

��How the Office Adding Machine Is Employed in Surveying

THE illustration on the right looks to be a photograph of one of those ultra- busy men who can not leave their work behind even on a vacation trip. But although the machine in use is the regulation adding machine, such as will be found in the equipment of any office, it is also a part of the traveling equipment of the surveying parties which the United

���The Government surveyors use motor velocipedes on which the adding machines are strapped for recording readings

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