Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/404

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��Popular Science Monthly

��The washstand con- sists of an iron framework sup- ported on rollers running on steel tracks suspended from the ceiling

���of six hundred cars. As shown in the accompanying cross-sectional view, one of the ramps leads from the street level into the lower or basement floor, while another leads from the second to the third floor. Still another ramp, at right angles to the second, serves the fourth or top floor. The maximum grade is fifteen percent.

Another original idea incorporated in the design of this garage is the method of washing the cars. This is done in the aisle toward which each two rows of cars face A movable washstand is pro- vided, which overcomes many of the difficulties and some of the expense connected with washing the vehicles.

This washstand consists of an iron framework supported on rollers running on steel tracks suspended from the ceiling and extending the en- tire length of each aisle. Canvas curtains mounted on spring rollers like ordinary window shades are hung from the frame on the sides parallel with the length of the aisle. These protect nearby cars from the splashing. On the other two ends of the frame are hung two banks of electric lights in parabolic reflectors, which are also supported on spring rollers.

In operation, the car to be washed is pushed straight out into the aisle. The washstand framework is then pulled up into position by means of a rope, the curtains

���Backing a car into its stall. The island platform guides the car into place

��and lights being close, up to the frame so that they clear the top of the car. The curtains are then pulled down to protect the fronts of the cars facing the aisle, the lights are adjusted to illuminate the proper parts, and the vehicle is then washed with hose attached to convenient water taps near the structure columns.

Among the special conven- iences provided are a large room where owners can make minor repairs on their cars; lockers for each car owner; a restaurant and club-room for chauffeurs; a vacuum system with taps on each floor for cleaning car interiors and the usual gasoline, water and oil pipe- lines with draw-off stations at several points on each floor.

���When Postage Cost Ten Dollars an Ounce

SAN FRANCISCO has had an interest- ing history. The first settlement dates from 1776. The United States flag was raised over the town in 1846. Two years later the city had an estimated population of twenty thousand, caused by the inrush of fortune seekers. The first regular over- land mail communication with the East was established by pony express in i860, the charge for postage being five dollars for half an ounce.

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