Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/621

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��This article won the first prize of $25 in the Motorcycle Contest which closed December 30, 1916. Hundreds of ideas were sent in on the repair, upkeep and field of usefulness of the motorcycle. The Popular Science Monthly bought the best ideas and will publish them during the course of the year. — EDITOR.

��ALTHOUGH any kind of a shed will do to house a motorcycle, the portable garage here described possesses many advantages over the simpler type of struc- ture. The initial cost is small, and as the building need not be much larger than 6 by 12 ft., it can be put on a small back lot or at the rear of an apartment-house grounds. The cost of the material will, of course, vary in different parts of the country, and the owner will

���save consider- ably if he does the work him- self. The gar- age shown cost, together with paint and hard- ware, about S30; but the owner did the work. From all outside appear- ances, it resem- bles a perma- nent structure, but it can be taken down in about an hour's time. It is

made in seven very easily adjusted sections, comprising the floor, two sides, two ends and the roof, which is made in halves. The sides and ends are covered with drop-siding, while ordinary boards are


��End and side elevations with floor plan and detail of comer and roof for making a motorcycle garage

��used for the roof which is then covered with roofing paper. One window is provided, and this is hinged at the top so it can be swung up and hooked on the rafter, while the doors, each one of which is 2 ft. wide, swing outward.

About the first thing to do, after having selected the building site, is to procure six large flat stones and place these as shown, one at each corner and one in the center on

the sides. A rectangular frame should now be made measuring 6 by 12 ft., outside dimensions. This frame is made of 2 by4- in. scantlings and should have two joists running paral- lel with the side members and about 24 in. apart. See that the frame is level and rest- ing on all the stones, which should, of course, be level. Next cover it with the floor boards, which can be plain or matched, the latter making the better job. Trim the flooring flush with the outside of foundation frame, and this


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