Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/762

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��Popular Science Monthly

��cover, but little patches of paper are pasted

over the string (Fig. 3), leaving the edges

free to flutter in the breeze. The tails

are from six to eight feet long.

The bridle may be attached

as in Fig. 2. The upper

string should not be more

than half the length of the

two lower ones. The bridle

is fastened at D, E

and F.

The tailless kite is perhaps the most pop- ular. Its framework is suggested by Fig. 4. The star kite follows close on the tailless kite in point of popularity. Most star kites have tails. Sometimes two, three and more tails float out in grace- ful parallel curves from the kite. Geomet- rical designs are usually preferred. The



���The tetrahe- dral kite has


��£D&£ OF WINCr


��Details of frame constructions. The dark Hnes represent frames and the dotted Unes strings

Japanese square kite has a light frame of bamboo. There are usually a vertical spine, two diagonal pieces that run from corner to corner, and a series of hori- zontal ribs, as shown in Fig. 5. The whole kite is bowed forward {B, Fig. 5) and strings are attached

���A compound tailless kite with telescoping sections

��three to each side, one to the middle of the top and bottom and one to the center.

The "peace" kite illustrated has for its motto, "I stand for peace. I am neutral. I fear none of them," The framework is shown in Fig. 8. The human figure kites are always an attraction. They are awkward and ungainly but therein lies the appeal. One illustra- tion shows the inimi- table "Charlie" leaving on his aerial trip and another shows him "up in the air." His skele- ton is represented by Fig. 7. Of course the larger box kites are always in evidence, especially those that can be folded or rolled. One illustration shows a box kite with extended side wings, resembling a French war-kite. These kites are strong pullers.

The dragon kites are among the most interesting novelties of the contest. The one illus- trated is of the tailless type and is a splendid flyer. The rear end usually flies higher than the head. The cords be- tween the difl'erent kites mak- ing up the dragon are all the same length, so when the head is tipsy all the rest are tipsy too. The boy flying this powerful dragon has to protect his hands with cotton gloves.

The tetrahedral kite is one of the newcomers in the contest. The wood of the framework may be in very small strips and yet be per- fectly rigid on account of the bracing construction. The kite may be made in sections, but the boys are usually too busy with other afi"airs to stop long enough to make tetrahedral kites.

Two kites were decorated with aerial flower gardens. The designs show up well — picket fence, flowers, moon and all. With a strong light in the background these kites were very eff^ective.

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