Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/839

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An Advertising Sign Factory Showroom

��The rooster in the picture on the right will soon be the weather-vane on a very large building. Although substantially welded, it is not in one piece. Fully a dozen parts were made so that the completed bird might be an exact image of the real in every detail. Then the parts were assembled and soldered together

���Animals of every description, jewel- ry of all kinds, eyes of every size and color, miniature automobiles, battleships, houses — in fact rep- licas of any and everything are made upon demand, so that the showroom of [the factory resembles an old curiosity shop or a museum

��Bird forms are hammered out on iron patterns which are cast from the original artist's model. Often the stuffed bodies of real birds are used, where the reproduction is to be life-size. The eagle in the picture on the right is made of hammered brass resembling polished old gold


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