��Going to Sea" in an Armory
��THE making of expert signalmen no longer begins at sea, but at our naval training stations and
in some of our armories. In the Second Bat- talion Naval Militia, at Brooklyn, New York, young men are turned into proficient signalmen
long before they are assigned to service on a battleship. The ar- mory has a signaling equipment as com- plete as that of a modern man-of-war.
Warships are great talkers. There are tiags and semaphores for carrying on con- \ersation by day, Ardois lights, blink- ers, searchlights and rockets for night use, code and distress sig- nals for special pur- poses, whistles and subma- rine warning signals, and the wireless telegraph.
You have seen the sig- nals sent out from the ends the flying bridges by posts arms that look like"jump-
���The semaphore signaling device which is found at the end of each big ship's bridge
Students of the Boys' High School, Brooklyn, N. Y.. practicing with a big gun mounted in the armory
��The interiors of the naval training stations are made to resemble the modern war vessel in design and the intricate fighting equipment
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