Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/889

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Housekeeping Made Easy

����A novel orange bowl made in the form of a sphere. It is nine inch- es in diameter and fin- ished in white with colored flowers

��Compression spring


��Spring motor ^^—W^ndipg key

��A dovetail groove cut in the under- side of any picture rail to take a spe- cially formed hook for hanging pictures without marring or disfiguring the molding in the slightest degree

��A self- server consisting of a small disk or table so constructed that it revolves on a short pedestal. It stands in the center of a table, within convenient reach

��A salad dressing con- tainer in which a ro- tating part with wings is driven by hand or motor power to mix the ingredients. It re- sembles a coffee pot

���With the advent of the electrical heat- ing teapot almost every kind of mod- em cooking utensil is self-contained

����Flies naturally collect at the upper part of a door and enter there when the door is opened. With the two-part screen door children can pass out and in without giving the flies the slight- est chance to enter the house


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