Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 91.djvu/193

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as the Seamstress with Needle and Thread

���The strings which sup- port a hammock are called clews when ar- ranged in the approv- ed fashion. The sailors shown above can each make fifty-five clews a day. This work requires little skill and one of the first job; taught to the recruits. The best and strongest of rope is essential. Hammocks serve beds aboard ship

��The man in the oval is putting the finishing touches on an extra- size bumper and pad- ding it out. All ships are provided with bumpers, which are hung alongside to pro- tect the hull against scratches and cuts and to break the force of the jar should the vessel come in contact with an- other vessel or with the sides of the pier or dock

���Old pieces of rope are used to form the in- side of the bumper, as shown at the left. One man can make eleven bumpers a day. At right is shown the completed bumper. This is the work of a skilled expert


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