Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 91.djvu/262

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Automobile Engine Cooler Operates on Steam Ejector Plan

THE latest accessory to aid the water circulation of an auto mobile engine forces the water through the sys tern at a speed propor- tional to the engine heat generated. The device is built on the principle of the steam ejector used to draw water from a tank in- to a steam boiler. The harder the engine labors, the more water is circulated, so that the possibility of over- heating through an in- sufficient supply is greatly lessened.

The device does not take the place of the radiator but simply aids it in its work. It is to be fitted on engines using the thermo-syphon cooling system in which the water automatically circulates because hot water rises to the top and colder water drops to the bottom. The water is cooled in passing through the radiator by the con- tact of the in-rushing air against the radiator core and passes from the bottom through the en- gine water jacket and out at the top, as shown in the accompanying illustration.

The device has no mov- ing parts. It consists of two pieces, a length of pipe between the bottom of the radiator and the water jacket intake and a smaller pipe screwed into the exhaust manifold. This pipe, bent over the top of the engine as shown, terminates in a small nozzle pointed toward the en- gine inside of the larger pipe. Exhaust Elect gas through the smaller pipe escapes through the nozzle into the water which it forces forward at a speed which is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas.

A ball-check valve in the small pipe prevents any of the water from backing I up into the exhaust manifold, as its tendency usually is when the engine is stopped.

��Popular Science Monthly

���ARROWS SHOW DIRECTION OF W«TER ^--i) This apparatus circulates water through the cooling system of an engine proportionally to the heat that is generated by the engine

��Cooling the Air of a Room with Cold Water Pipes

THE simple but effective air cooler shown in the illustration below has in patented by Glen rien, of Manhattan, Kan- It consists of four coils metal pipe, fitted one inside the other for compactness. Cold water flows through the pipes while an electric fan blows the sultry air of the room over them. The air leaves the pipes cooled down to nearly the temperature of the water, and spreads out over the room.

This apparatus is both economical and

���simple to operate. Few things are cheaper than city water.

. Humid and damp air is also deprived of its disagreeableness by this apparatus. The mere act of lowering the air's temperature "squeezes" out most of its moisture, which condenses on the cold pipes. Any dust and germs in the air will be carried down with the water in the process. The air is thus purified.

By merely pressing a push - button held in the hand the air of the room can be changed by the patient


/ ^^BM-JB^^^ Dnppc


A fan blows the air over a hundred coils of water pipes, cooling and purifying it

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