Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 91.djvu/284

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��Popular Science Monthly


��Smoke inlet valve

��Device for forcing smoke through tube

���Rubber bulb ' x Smoke outlet


The dummy smokes a real cigarette in a

realistic manner. Smoke is drawn in through

one tube and is forced out through another

The Dumb Turk. He Smokes Cigar- ettes and Doesn't Know It

A DUMMY who smokes cigarettes as realistically as a living human being is now used to advertise the fragrant aromas of different grades of tobacco. The idea is not to show the public how well a cigarette burns or how well the dummy smokes it, but to enable smokers to smell the smoke as it is automatically puffed out by the ap- paratus concealed within the dummy. The moment cigarette smoke is drawn into the mouth it loses its odor. With the dummy none of the frag- rance is lost. . There are two tubes within § the dummy. One leads to the cigarette in the dum- my's mouth and thence to a bulb. A second tube extends from the bulb to the mouth. The smoke is drawn in through the first tube and through a valve into the bulb. When the bulb is pressed the smoke is forced into the second tube and led to the mouth, where it is expelled. A small mo- tor operates the bulb. It is regulated so that the dummy can smoke fast or slow as the exhibitor desires.

���The annular rubber pad com- pressed between the base of the tire and the steel felloe band locks the tire in place

��An Easily Adjusted Tire. It Locks Itself on the Wheel

ANEW type of tire just brought out by an Akron manufacturer is designed to eliminate the trouble experienced in mount- ing either a demountable or pressed-on solid tire on the wheel of a motor-truck. It employs the compression of an annular rubber pad between the steel base of the tire and the steel felloe band on the wheel to lock the tire on the wheel. The annular ring or pad of rubber is about one inch thick and is the same width as the tire proper. This rubber pad is inserted between the steel base of the tire and the steel felloe band on the wheel. The pad is retained by two steel rings, one on either side, bolts extending clear through the pad from one ring to the other. Twelve of these bolts are employed, each with a nut on the outside of the wheel. As these bolts are screwed down by means of a socket wrench, the width of the rubber pad is decreased while its thick- ness is increased.

This swelling of the pad exerts pressure on both the base of the tire and on the steel felloe band, serving to lock them together and make them revolve as a unit. The tire is removed in a few seconds time by merely loosening up the twelve bolts and permit- ting the pad to assume its natural thick- ness. Then the tire is simply slid off the wheel.

Aside from the characteristic of easy at- tachment and removal, the pad also serves as a cushion to the tire itself, tending to reduce the road vibration transmitted to the wheel, axle and driving mechanism. Other claimed advantages for the pad that it permits greater truck speed without harmful effect, greater tire mileage and abil- ity to wear the tires down nearer the base, all because of the greater resilience of the wheel as a whole due to the increased amount of rubber between the axle and the point' of con- tact with the ground. In application, tires of the next larger size or two inches greater in diameter are employed. In this way wheels of the same size as those on which the ordinary tires are pressed maybe used. The pad also prevents the sur- faces from rusting together.

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