Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 91.djvu/315

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Popular Science Monthly


��brace and wood wedges, Fig. 9. Through a hole in the keel, Fig. 5, a 3/16-in. pipe is led from the top of the tank to a brass nozzle. The bubble-way, Fig. 10, is then fastened in place and the strips D, Fig. 11, for the tank wires, are fixed to the bottom. At this point the tank may be wired or strapped in, Fig. 12, and the exhaust pipe soldered in the keel. If desired, a pre- liminary test may be made for adjusting the speed of the boat.

If these trials are satisfactory, the steer- ing gear and rudder are put in. A hole £, Fig. 13, is punched through the bubble-way

��the edges of which are turned up with a file. The hood or turtle deck, containing a hatchway to make the steering accessible, is roughly cut out. Beginning amidships, the hood is bent over the tank and soldered along the sides, Fig. 22, the tin being trimmed down to fit the hull. The steering wheel is made from a circle or wire soldered to three wire spokes which in turn are fastened to a tin sleeve, Fig. 23. This slips into the steering column.

A gun deck may be added, Fig. 24, and a turned wood or metal gun mounted on it, Fig. 25. A metal clip, Fig. 26, is soldered



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��Patterns for making the hull of a boat that represents a submarine chaser, the parts being designed so that a storage tank is placed in the fore part under a turtle deck for supplying the air pressure

��and hull to take the rudder post, Fig. 14, made of heavy wire. This post, to prevent leaking, works in a tube, Fig. 15. With the tube soldered in, the rudder, Fig. 16, may be fastened to its post. The steering column, Fig. 17, is made and soldered to the side of the air cylinder and connected with the rudder post by a wire rod, Fig. 18. The boat is now ready for the super- structure or casing. First the face plate, Fig. 19, with holes for the steering column, air-valve, and rudder-rod, is fitted in, Fig. 20; then the main and after decks, Fig. 21,

��to the afterdeck to take a flag. With a coat of enamel the chaser is complete.

In general it is better to make cardboard patterns of the hull and superstructure parts before attempting to cut out the tin. It is well to see that the rod connecting the steering column and rudder also works freely before soldering it to the deck. The several dimensions given are merely sug- gestive. The casing should be fitted to the hull; for your tank, steering gear or some minor detail may differ a bit from the specifications given in the illustrations.

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