Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 91.djvu/584

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���By James H. Hare in Leslie's Weekly

Augmenting the tones of the bugle by means of a giant megaphone at Camp Fort Riley

Megaphoning the Reveille — The Latest in Military Efficiency

IN the training camp at Fort Riley a huge megaphone has been erected on a stand to enable a field bugler to sound reveille with such a vim that it will be irresistible, as well as to put punch into the re- treat which is sounded at evening parade after the band ceases its music. When the last note of the retreat has died away the band plays "The Star Spangled Banner" as the flag is lowered and the strenuous day at camp is officially over for the soldiers.

By the use of the mega- phone to augment the bugler's tones, the one instrument is sufficient for the entire camp and its notes carry equally as far as those of the entire regimental band.

��Popular Science Monthly

The More You Pay for Your Clothes, the More They Suffer in the Wash

THE price that we pay for cleanliness is, to a large extent, paid to the laundry- man. According to an investigation made by the Mellon Institute of Industrial Re- search, at Pittsburgh, Pa., only forty-three per cent of the life of a collar, for instance, is consumed in the actual wearing of it. The other fifty-seven per cent is passed in the laundry and hanging on the line.

Should a perfectly new collar be laundered from thirty-five to forty times without being used at all, it would be worn to a frazzle when nearing its fortieth trip to the laundry. With ordinary wear between launderings, the limit of trips to the laundry is twenty.

The finer the texture of the garment or fabric to be laundered the more it suffers in the process, however scientific the methods of laundering may be. Just ordinary exposure to the air when hanging on the line, not considering the flapping in the wind, which is, of course, destructive to fine fabrics, affects the strength of the fabric more than would be imagined.

���The woolen bottom of the cleanser is kept moistened with the cleansing fluid in the top

��Here Is the Fountain Spot- Remover. It Works Like a Scrubbing Brush

BY means of a small cloth- covered brush containing a fountain filled with cleansing liquid, spots may be taken out of clothes at home. The woolen bottom of the clean- ser serves to wash out dirt and grease without at the same time scraping off the nap of the gar- ment, thus overcoming a common trouble in spot removers.

The cloth covering of the brush can be easily removed and another sub- stituted of the same color as the garment to be cleaned, to prevent all danger of discoloration. The device works well with all kinds of cloth ; it is especially effective with plush and velvet and even for portieres and carpets.

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