Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 91.djvu/595

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Popular Science Monthly


��Making Spectacular Displays with the Aid of Toy Balloons

THE latest idea in illuminated displays for garden parties, for patriotic gather- ings, and the like, is an electrically lighted balloon to be used in place of the old Japanese lantern. These balloons cannot be blown out by the wind, nor can they catch fire ; they will give just as spectacular an effect as Japanese lanterns.

Ordinary toy rubber balloons are fitted with a metallic neck through which the lighting receptacle can be passed with a thrust of the hand. The electric bulb is secured on the end of a tube inside of this receptacle, and through the ring-shaped cpace around this tube, air can be blown to inflate the balloon. When the current is turned on, the rays of light pass through the stretched, translucent rubber with a warm glow. A number of differently colored balloons strung across a garden, or arranged in the form of a great flag would produce very spectacular effects.

Displays could be held in the country miles away from an electric light wire. Small incandescent bulbs could be installed to take the place of the larger bulbs, and they could be lighted from the current obtained from a battery or a series of batteries. Or a number of pocket flash- lights could give a pleasing effect. The bulbs could be disconnected from the flash- light and wires could connect the bulbs with the battery.

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���The electric light shining through the rubber vividly il- luminates each gay- Iy colored balloon

��How California is teaching its outdoor pop- ulation to cease killing harmless snakes which destroy disease-bearing rodent pests

Teaching the Truth About the Misunderstood Snake

IN California the Lorquin Natural History Club of Los Angeles is starting a campaign of snake educa- tion. As the accompany- ing photograph shows, a sign telling passersby that harmless snakes should not be killed — that they destroy disease-bearing rodent pests, is the medium used. These signs are posted in the mountains, in camping places, along streams, and in hunting grounds through- out the State. They have been read by many thou- sands of people.

The only undesirable snake in California, as the sign points out, is the rattle- snake. All others are bene- ficial and should be allowed to proceed unmolested.

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