Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 91.djvu/715

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Popular Science Monthly


��Identification Rings and Neck Tags for Our Soldiers

WIVES, mothers, doting relatives and best girls are busy these days getting things together to give to the boys who are going to war. A very popular and a very use- ful gift is a silver identifica- tion ring. These rings are so made that the wearer may have his mono- gram engraved on the outside and his name and military connection on the inside. While the soldier boy has his hand, this is an ex- cellent means of identification.

Uncle Sam has provided a means for identifying his soldiers which never can fail. A small metal tag is in- scribed with the sol- dier's name, rank, company and regi- ment. This is sus- pended on a tape which the soldier wears around his neck.

The Navy has arranged for the identifi- cation of all Navy officers by means of finger prints and metal tags. A repro- duction of the finger, print of the fright index finger will be etched on the metal tags. A record of the finger prints will be kept in the bureau of navigation.

These records and means of personal identification will serve to facilitate communication be- tween the soldiers and the folks at home, as well as to complete the reports of the newspapers and their lists of casualties after a great battle or im- portant engagement at the front.


����Show You the Rug at the Bottom of the Pile? Why, Certainly

FORTUNATE, indeed, is the rug sales- man who has the knack of selecting the most desirable and easily sold rugs for the top of the pile in his dis- play! Usually, it is the rug at the bottom of the pile, or at least one below the center, that appeals most of all to the prospective pur- chaser. And to make a sale he must smil- ingly get it out so that its beauty can be enlarged upon.

But getting it out — there's the rub. However, relief is in sight. A rug ex- tractor has been in- vented and market- ed which does the. work with magical ease, eliminating the back - bending and tugging.

The device is very simple in construc- tion. It consists merely of a long tube which the sales- man attaches to the designated rug and rug by means of a

��©Underwood and Underwood

The identification tags and rings for our boys of the i Army and Navy

which rolls



���The rug is rolled on the tube by means of a ratchet and lever. Then it is extracted and unrolled on top of the pile for display

��ratchet and lever. The rolling-up opera- tion is accomplished without disturbing the arrangement of the other rugs in the pile. When completely rolled, the rug is out from under the pile. It can then be unrolled and spread out on the top. Only a minute is required for the entire rolling and unrolling operation. The salesman can operate it alone in an emergency, but two men, one at each end of the tube, are usually required to get it started. Once started, the rug is rolled without fur- ther trouble by the man originally con- ducting the sale.

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